RTÉ telling lies as usual
On 28 June 2023 I wrote an article warning of this very situation. Was I far wrong?
It seems our public service broadcaster, whom we are told are so valuable to us have disgraced themselves once more.
Our Kurdish friend and international man of mystery, Musa Dogan, it seems has resurfaced with a new name. Link below:
I wonder will the new Ministry of Truth flag them for misinformation? Or is Jeremy Godfrey only interested in censorship of the truth.
The truth here is that RTÉ are up to their neck in it. They are accessories to a deliberately contrived situation which I laid out in an article nine months ago.
How could I have foreseen this scenario if it wasn’t the plan all along? Dogan showing up now with a new name is a disgusting lie, implicating this disgraced organisation in a possible conspiracy.
This is serious. RTÉ misleading the Irish public by providing an alias for a known international terrorist is criminal.
They are running cover for a scam, a contrived humanitarian crisis by bringing in migrants to use as pawns putting them in tents on the streets of Dublin. This is a new low even for them.
What is going on here? We are owed an explanation. It does not look good. They need to make a statement on this and clear this whole affair up.
Below is the article I wrote back in June of last year which was my most read article for We The People, getting almost 70k views.
Judge for yourself who analyses the situation more accurately, RTÉ or myself a private citizen who doesn’t extort €160 per annum from the Irish people?
From “Meet your new lodger” 28 June 2023…
For all you people out there who take the lazy option and believe the government narrative, that your fellow countrymen and friends you grew up with and have known all your life, have now suddenly become overnight racists, let me present you with a possible and likely scenario that could potentially materialise out of the current madness to try shed a little light on why we fight and are so concerned. I am not trying to scare anyone, but people need to understand the level of mendacity they are dealing with.
This man is Musa Dogan, a Kurdish terrorist wanted in 150 countries. Not only is he in this country, but he is being employed by NGO’s to stir up a situation whereby we end up with tented villages of migrants on our streets, just like Paris. The Revolutionary Housing League a hard left bunch of communists vehemently opposed to private property rights and ownership held a demonstration in Sandwith Street a few months back, where this individual was present. They were unsuccessful because the locals absolutely destroyed them after this person attacked people with a pole.
He is still operating here, even after that night where he should have been arrested and deported. This is the type of unsafe environment your government is facilitating because it is necessary for the next phase of their agenda. Let me paint the hypothetical but extremely likely scenario:
- The hate speech bill passes into law.
- You can no longer protest or criticise the government’s immigration policy as it will be deemed racist and will constitute as a hate crime.
- The 39th Amendment on the right to Housing (property ownership abolition) is then brought forward to be voted on in a referendum (it’ll sail through).
- You arrive home from work one day to find foreign vagrants squatting in your living room (as has happened in Spain already, the authorities sided with the migrants who said it was ‘easy’).
- You ring the Gardai who arrive and tell you that not only have you no case; as the state has decided to ‘delimit’ property ownership for the ‘common good’, but also you could be guilty of a hate crime for discriminating against someone from a group with protected characteristics, by not offering them a place to stay.
Now this is obviously an extreme picture I’m painting, however this is exactly what will be made possible through the government’s current open borders policy in conjunction with the tyrannical, authoritarian and communist legislation they are determined to ram through the Oireachtas against the will of the people.
If and when this happens, spare a thought for the ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’ who tried to warn you time and again that your government hates you and is actually actively intent on doing you harm. If you still can’t see that at this stage and choose to pretend it is not happening, instead of taking action by trying to oppose it in any small way you can, it will be very difficult to have any sympathy for someone who not only ignored all the signs, but who also sided with their oppressors over people with absolutely nothing to gain only abuse, who were the ones looking out for your best interests and your children’s too.
Getting very close now boys and girls. Very close. They will make you draw your line eventually, do it before you can’t.