The Croppy boys (and girls)
The Heroes of Newtownmountkennedy force the regime to show their true colours
If the Irish people - even you eejits still pretending none of this is happening - were under any fleeting illusion they still lived in a free country, surely that ended last Thursday night. The Neo-RIC under British loyalist Drew Harris, escalated things just a tad in Newtownmountkennedy. Harris has brought with him a style of policing that has historically been more common on the northern part of this island and unleashed it viciously down a country lane in Co. Wicklow. The riot squad set upon peaceful protesters indiscriminately in an unprovoked attack, even pepper spraying Gript journalist Fatima Gunning in the melee, despite her repeatedly identifying herself. Looking more like the B-Specials than guardians of the peace, the public order unit even marauded through housing estates in full riot attire, thuggishly intimidating locals.
This is totally unacceptable. Any illusions of who the aggressors are in this whole affair were well and truly shattered on Thursday night. The people of Ireland have done nothing to deserve this level of aggression. There is a real sense of things spiralling out of control and we seem to be descending slowly but surely into civil war. I say that with great trepidation and with an extremely heavy heart, but the reality is, this government are determined to push on with orders from outside this island, the people’s voice be damned.
I pray that this is not the case and sense can be reached before things become more violent, but the debate needs to be opened up now. It’s long overdue. Those who suppress and stifle that debate are solely responsible for where this goes from here on in. This is heading toward a painfully inevitable conclusion where lives will be lost. The people do not want uncontrolled migration and have tried everything to make their voices heard. You just can’t do what they are doing without a reaction. And what they are doing is pure evil.
The Gardaí individually are just men doing a job on the micro level, but on the macro level they are a unit carrying out the will of this evil force by following orders blindly. No consideration for the consequences. They themselves have been put in serious danger by the establishment as they are at the coal face. While the predators behind all this sit comfortably at home, they are our fellow countrymen and women, who enforce this wickedness and foist it upon innocent communities against their wishes. The time for mincing words is over. This is war. Our government are a sinister aggressor who want to destroy us. What other conclusion can you reach when a force of supposed peace officers charge at women at the front line of a protest on behalf of the state.
Some of the injured from the attack from the state
RTÉ (I won’t be looking) will most likely have a whole narrative prepared for them despite not being there. It’s over for them now. Gript (to their credit) were on the ground reporting and have the scars to prove it. RTÉ can no longer claim to be a broadcaster. They just don’t report anything really. Twitter has made them obsolete. People can see clearly what is happening with their own two eyes, anyone who can’t is either pretending or has an extremely low level of intelligence and awareness. The left of course, still have their scripted narrative they will not deviate from. They will parrot their scripture until the bitter end like the good little cult members they are and the middle class cowards who stand for absolute nothing, will most likely cheer on the excessive use of force because people of courage standing for something is far more terrifying to them than a tyrannical police state.
The latter provides them with a cloak of security and certainty whereas the former scares them out of their wits, because of the uncertainty and uncharted territory. They represent change. They are habitual creatures who will want to preserve the status quo because they think they are safe. Even as women get baton charged. They also have some sort of mental illness that thinks force is acceptable if it’s wearing a uniform. It makes it legitimate for them because they believe officialdom can do no wrong. Things are changing whether they like it or not.
I see the same dark entity that expresses itself through our politicians, manifesting in these riot police the other night and very much within the woke left (who have been begging for this moment for quite some time). It’s nothing more than cowardice to continue to support the system. I no longer see human beings, just vessels of ideology and by extension, evil. They will happily clap while an elderly man is beaten on the ground with a police baton just because he believes in something that’s contrary to their beliefs. Where’s the humanity? We have been successfully divided like never before. Nobody I know wants to see this, we have repeatedly tried to warn that it was always coming to this. Few listened. More are beginning to listen now.
I’m going to attempt to bring a level of understanding and balance that might be slightly unpopular with people resisting. But I have a certain level of empathy for any guard who is still sane having to put food on his table whilst doing this job. This is now a job that would drive a sane person insane. Who would be a Garda now? Seriously? The things they are presently being asked to do are horrific. I can only imagine the level of bullying that goes on towards any dissenting voices on the inside. If there are some decent men and women still trapped inside the rank and file it must be an absolutely horrendous atmosphere to work in.
The woke programming is likely on a level beyond anything we have even seen in schools or through the media too. For every good cop that leaves the force now, there’s a diversity hire to replace him, who will be told from the outset that the Irish people are racists who hate them. It’s a powder keg. It’s a deliberately contrived situation, dividing people along racial lines and elevating the non-native group and even giving them a uniform is going to lead to absolute carnage. But of course they know this too well. They have planned it this way.
It seems inevitable now that we will be facing a new robocop paramilitary brand of policing going forward. The most unpopular commissioner in the history of the Gardaí - who was employed for this very purpose - knows he will have the support of politicians and the media to bully and beat the Irish people like dogs. O’Gorman wasted no time to condemn the locals. What did we do to deserve these bastards. We have a simpleton of a justice minister who doesn’t even understand the workings of her own department and who is determined to legislate for feelings rather than actual crime. We are at an extremely dangerous juncture in the history of this country and things have the potential to spill over at any moment.
The Irish people have shown incredible stoicism and restraint through all of this. They have made the establishment look so bad in the eyes of the world. So much so, that the only avenue really left available to them is the jackboot. The attack on innocent people in Newtownmountkennedy showed a new level of brutality and intimidation. This looks like it could be their modus operandi from here on in. Some African moron tweeted about live rounds being used by Gardaí on the protesters. If that’s the type of diversity and contribution you want to bring to this country we don’t want it, we are fine thanks. You will never be welcome here.
This is a civilised country and it’s remarkably coincidental that before the influx of immigrants from the four corners of the earth, we had a trusted unarmed police force who were valued members of our communities and policed largely by consent. That’s all gone now. It’s like a kind of nightmare scenario, where we have outsiders, who should be thankful to us, who are instead goading us (encouraging by NGO’s) and are begging our own police to unleash violence upon us. These people have no place in this country and they prove it more and more with attitudes like this. This is not the third world. This is a sacred island you should be grateful you are allowed to live on.
It was wonderful to see the people of Newtownmountkennedy come together again yesterday to show they will not be bullied, intimidated or beaten into submission. Fearlessly marching through their town. They have done themselves proud. The world is watching Ireland very closely and every day we build a stronger bond with our brothers and sisters in other nations going through similar challenges. They are drawing inspiration from our courage, strength and resilience. This has been a movement of peaceful resistance which has grown and received enormous global support because of that fact. Try as they might, the regime and the idiotic leftists cannot put that genie back in the bottle and depict these people as far right. It hasn’t worked. Stop it now you look ridiculous and you are making a spectacle of yourself.
We wondered in the dark days of four years ago where that famed indomitable spirit had gone. Where are the fighting Irish? Where have they disappeared to? How did they ever even deserve such a name? Well in the past two years we have seen it. It has roared back with a bullish defiance. As usual with the Irish, we are silent sufferers who only ever kick up at the last moment when things become really bad. But once we start we don’t stop! The Irish unlocking the genetic warrior codes within their DNA spells big trouble for any empire.
The problem for this empire is it wants to subjugate all of Europe at once. Perhaps we are being targeted so severely because they know we are a formidable enemy once we realise that we are facing a threat. We have a recent history of being capable of making this island ungovernable. Be under no illusion globalists! The Irish have risen and this beautiful, sacred land upon which our ancestors and heroes walked, will be the graveyard of your empire! We are the fighting Irish and we are not afraid!
Stephen, I'm going to buy a hat.
Solely to take it off to you.
Your writing is consistently outstanding. No waffle, no drama, but inspiring and succinct, it flows effortlessly, capturing an elusive growing sentiment quietly pervading our beleagured nation and the looming inevitability of what lays ahead.
In the tradition of our ancient people you are the warrior poet, reborn for our age, in our time of need.
When it comes down to it there will be two opposing men willing to literally put their very lives on the line. One for his community, his society, his people, his family, his children and his future. The other for his duplicitous MI6 commanding officer and some weasely politician's exorbitant pension. My money is on the former.
A tyrant can only put weapons into the hands of men, you can put courage in their hearts.
On its own the first is fearsome,
combined they are undefeatable.
Go raibh mile maith agat mo chara.
Just brilliant. Shared.