High time to resurrect the "Just Say NO To Drugs!" campaign. It is not just about recreational pharmaceuticals anymore.

Your mention of the the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: I wonder if anyone has ever interviewed Malinda Gates and asked her how she feels to be listed for all time as one of the greatest mass murderers of humanity in all of history through her foundation?

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I ended up having to get it in order to keep a job that has been increasingly patronizing and growing more and more shit as time goes on.

I've stopped working as a pharmacy tech and even though I hold a license, I'll never go back to working in that field again.

Understand, I've always stood by "You do you." Nothing less. I don't want anyone who thinks that maybe it will have any type of adverse affects on them to ever take it. I mean if there's the least little shred of doubt, just don't do it. Those that want it, fine, I don't think one way or the other of them.

Those who've lectured the rest of us, wished us dead, etc, that I have absolutely no tolerance for in the least. Those who insisted that my job be threatened, you got your two into me, no boosters, you're happy. I'll be getting nothing more, especially after how completely shit I felt after the two. Nevermind that I am allergic to them and that second one damn near sent me to the hospital because my heart rate was going crazy but it won't ever happen again.

Those that did mandate it, I've never harbored more anger than I ever have than towards those people. I'm not talking at the street level, though they get some of my ire too. I'm talking those who made the decisions and those who thought it was a great idea and pushed it as though we were being done a favor. My only real regret is that I wasn't born with but two middle fingers, so they're all going to have to share.

If any of them think I'll go along to get along quietly this time, they're sadly mistaken. If I do go along with anything, I will be such a malicious asshole about it, that every single one of them will be working like mad to get me to go along with the merest modicum of it. Straight up fact.

As for the medical community. I have zero trust. My time working in a pharmacy put that on shaky ground already. In my immediate area, there are far too many "pill mill" doctors for me to trust and I went to the ones I thought I could (about three of them) trying to get a medical exemption due to my allergy, I was denied and still charged $160 per consultation. Now, what was once was shaky is now destroyed and that level of trust can not be rebuilt.

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So sorry you are having health issues over this, your comments will give great encouragement to others. Can I post this comment on my Facebook page? I think it would help a great deal of people. Fair play for your acceptance, takes huge courage, so many people are in denial. I hope you find solutions for your health and you find comfort. God bless 🙏🏻

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Had some initially but now, haven't really been feeling any ill effects but if any do come up, and I sincerely hope they don't, there will be some work done at my altar that will make others start believing they may be mentally ill.

They won't have to believe in my gods at all, that's fine. My gods will believe in them though...just sayin'

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And yeah, if you wanna post that to Facebook, tell the ones that are pissed about what I'm saying where to find me. Just warn them that they'll have to share in the two middle fingers proudly still flying full mast and that it may be a better idea to stay on Facebook and bitch about it where I still won't care if they do.

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Will do thank you 🙏🏻

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IDK if it's true or not, but I heard that Ivermectin can be used by the vaxxed to try to flush the spike proteins out of their body. Once again, IDK and I don't remember the source, sorry.

What I suspect is that the next batch of C19 vaxxes will be very potent because I guess not enough people died to satisfy the WEF, the WHO, the CDC, Bill Gates, George Soros, The Rockefeller Foundation, and all the rest of the mass-murdering psychopaths.

If they get away will pulling this for a second time, then the clotshot will be forcibly mandatory, I'm sure. That's the hill I die on. I'm a pureblood and will die as such.

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When I despair of family n friends who still don't get that there's a war on against Humanity itself begin to wonder if we're not all at different 'levels' of consciousness so to speak. If so then asking those I care for to avoid the needlecraft ('cause another scamdemic appears on the cards) is like asking a Shetland pony to jump 'Beecher's Brook' with all the best will in the world it can't be done!

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I know Jeananne but we must try to pick up some if we can. Our numbers may not be enough next time I fear.

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Love over fear. Yes.

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Nicely put. I've cut ties with friends, I tell it as it is and don't hold back but it appears that any counter talk that opposes the 'Mass Hypnosis' is either ignored, ridiculed or simply not to be believed.

Do we live amongst NPC's as in the Matrix, fillers with no cognition capabilities, no grasp of reason, logic and the most vital of all, cop on?

The programming runs deep, it is institutionalised, NGO, Gov't, University and Policy driven. It is also funded for via deep pockets.

I now know that the power of thought is a wonder and I visualise all that have profited, co-ordinated and coerced folk to take this experiment leave our world now. That is how I am coping. Visualising our world without such utter deviants. We never consented to this experiment so those that performed it will reap the wrath of Nature in due course. They are dead inside.

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Yes it’s very worrying and really bizarre how they just adopted the pseudo reality even though it’s destructive in every possible sense and bad for them. It’s like a drug they can’t kick. I was a big football fan in the past, now I feeling like punching someone when they talk to me about it. I just can’t do it anymore, not while all this is going on. Can’t even enjoy a match now anyway with all the embedded cultural Marxism. They’ve penetrated everything. Thanks for the feedback and great comment.

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We will win this because we want to, we visualise like never before. It is written so it will happen.

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There are reports that a Japanes concoction made from Fermented Soya bean called Nattokinase, helps to cleanse the Spike protein from the system and clears the foggy brain symptom many have experienced.

I emphasise I have not tested this concoction, becasue I never took the fake Vaccine, but have read in various articles of its efficacy.

It is apparently a jelly like substance ,but can also be found in pill form.

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