Jun 28Liked by Stephen Sutton

While reading this article it occurred to me that I had no idea of two of the stories you examine. The sporting runner and the victim who got a standing ovation. I'm sorry I can't remember their names, not important but what is important is the reason I don't know anything about them.

I don't watch the news you see. Simple as that. I don't read any news paper or watch the news or even listen to the radio.

Consequently I haven't a clue about any of the latest scare stories. I didn't know that Harris was threatened with a bomb scare in fact I only learned quite recently that he was now the Taoiseach.

There is an awfull lot of freedom in not watching "the news". I don't have to care.

I don't care about monkey pox, bird flu, swine flu, global warming or even global cooling. It matters not a jot.

It's great actually. I had to wean myself off the media and I still find myself drifting twords the media once in a while but then I remember why I don't watch it and put myself back on track.

I can heartily recommend to all and sundry this path of deliberate ignorance in all media Matters.

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Yes I only dip my toe in to analyse and jump back out before I get pulled into it’s toxic stream

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Yes. I’m in the same boat.

I didn’t get these references.

I use email newsletters from various sources to keep me informed about what I want to be kept informed about.

Sadly I have come to understand that many of the ‘alternative news channels’ are also part of the psyop.

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Jun 29Liked by Stephen Sutton

And (sadly) most of the candidates that are put forward. I don't know who to trust any more

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I don't look at the MSM either. There are an ever expanding number of alternative news sources that strive to report the truth.

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Jun 29Liked by Stephen Sutton

You have to be careful there too though

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Me too...

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Me neither. But I'm on Telegram and you get a feel for what's going on by exploring various channels and listening to interviews. It's crazy isn't it, but if we never heard there was a pandemic, there wasn't one (as per Prof Denis Ranncourt)

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This is the way.

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As with your other 100+ excellent articles (congratulations, keep 'em coming) which I enjoy immensely, you are 100% correct Stephen. Waking up to how the media and society utilise manipulation of minds from so many angles is very freeing, and gaining immunity from its relentless efforts is spiritually and intellectually rewarding in so many ways. However, many are unprepared for how lonely it can be. I have spoken over the past few years to friends of literally decades, and realised that we are now living on completely different planes of existence.

I often felt as they parroted media conditioning verbatim, having had their opinions fed to them, like I was in 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' and at any moment they would sniff me out as 'The Other' and point and scream. I have mainly held my tongue out of both courtesy for old times sake and literally not being arsed dealing with a fool for whom no amount of evidence or truth will break their media conditioning. You know it when it happens, and recently I spoke to a woman I've known as a good friend for over forty years, the petering conversation died awkwardly and we parted. I watched her walk away sadly, knowing that I would never purposely speak to her again. It was like a death.

I don't despise these people although the reverse wouldn't necessarily be true but I have learned to pity their naievity but also walk away from the real danger they represent.

My eyes were opened a long long time ago. I began to hate going into a pub and there literally being no angle you could face without a television intruding on your eyeline. Entering the bar once full of lively, witty and rambunctious characters and facing stoolfuls of silent people staring down at their phones got very boring. I noticed also early on how people found it impossible to sit in a car without a radio being on, with constant shite music or inane presenters (correct) opinions, interspersed with 'The Headlines' telling you what to think pumped relentlessly into your subconscious. Ask them what was just said or played and you got the 'fluoride stare' and a "Dunno, I wasn't listening" But it was still seeping into their brains, a slow trickle like a battery charger.

Of all the forces railed against us, politicians, gardaí, ngos etc, I despise the current mainstream media the most. For they are a truly evil force among us.

I got rid of the open sewer pipe into my living room (my TV) years ago and the quiet Saturday mornings which I loved and looked forward to of spending a leisurely hour before lunch alone by the window in the pub with a newspaper and a brace of Guinness are memories of a different life, and a different me.

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That was an article in itself. Thanks for the great feedback and sharing your thoughts and opinions. Yes it’s tough to find common ground. The old world is gone, they’ve stolen it from us. We must make the best of what we have.

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I have struggled to see how the world can be put right now. I think it is beyond human capacity to resolve.

We are witnessing to the death throes of a civilisation in the west. This may well be part of a natural cycle that occurs every few thousand years eg a pole shift.

The critical issue to understand is that those who have been accustomed to running this civilisation are well aware of the impending collapse & are working hard to ensure that when our world does finally die, they can emerge as the controllers of the new world (new world order).

They have been working at this at least since WWII.

Their strategy seems to be:

Dumb down the herd reducing their capacity to run their own affairs

Undermine national governments reducing their capacity to function independently on behalf of their people.

Destabilise nations through rampant immigration

Cull the herd through depopulation strategies eg pandemics & WWIII so there is a much smaller herd to manage in the new world.

A possible response at our level to not only survive the collapse, but prosper in the new world would be by building resilience at community level - networks, self- sufficiency, withdraw from the system as far as possible etc.


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Ivor Cummins interviewed by Eddie Hobbs, joins all the dots, from the Covid/Injection Scam, Climate Change Scam. EU Migrant Pact, denationalising racket.

Peter Sutherland ,Father of Globalism and mass Migration weaponising, Kalergi ,Rockefelleretc.

Must read to get the Big Picture Plan.


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Jun 28Liked by Stephen Sutton

I was very impressed initially with Natasha's statement outside the courthouse. But, by the ff day, it had become a hate fest: hate Irish men and hate the Irish Army. It was even said somewhere that Irish men should march in apology for what happened to Natasha. I don't have sons but I was shocked at that. Why should they atone for the few sociopaths?? Also why blame the Army...I know how much the Army values its mission to protect. Sure, there are bad apples and as soon as they are found, they're generally rooted out. The whole thing began to stink. I've had very similar thoughts to those you've expressed re Rhasidat Adeleke too. It's noticeable how much more newsprint she's enjoying. I actually feel a bit mean because she has achieved so much clearly through sheer talent and hard work. Anyway, this is a very longwinded way of saying thank you for a most excellent article.

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Thanks, the woke love the notion of collective guilt which is why they blame all men.

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Suggestion on a telegram recirding that the demoralisation of past & present members of Irish defence forces is ongoing to ensure early departure of existing members, loss of faith & empathy of present members. This will ensure that a coup, such as is happening in Bolivia as we speak, will not be possible & replacement with troops from God knows where & over there, will begin so continuing the diminution of any notions of an Irish nation state.

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I believe that is what's happened to the Gárdaí already.

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Jun 28Liked by Stephen Sutton

Thank you Stephen. I’m enjoying reading your articles as much as I enjoy reading Gerry O’Neills. It’s good to read thought provoking articles that make some sense in the midst of all the insanity going on around us.

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Thank you

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Jun 29Liked by Stephen Sutton

An excellent article. It's just a pity that the people who need to be reading it and thinking on it are highly unlikely to be on substack at all, much less on this particular substack. I'm thinking that we should all be printing these out and leaving copies in public places, on public transport etc.

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Feel free

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Stephen Sutton

This is it. I'd love if all of middle Ireland read the first few paragraphs. I'm seeing people very much in our camp rejoice over Assange. I'm glad the dude is free and his wife stuck by him for 14 years of jail. But I think I can sum up another big part of these things: **timing**.

Why now? Well, we're staring down the barrel of a massive war, and a week from an election in the UK. So 'they' want to soften their image up for the public in a country where they put natives like Sam Melia in jail for stickers criticising migration.

Same with the Cathal Crotty case... So that's what I say to people: timing. Timing. Timing. Life is better not just when you ask questions, but ask *the correct* astute questions such as 'why now, of all times?'

I'll finish with a joke:

-'What's the key to good comedy?'


- [say nothing]

-'seriously, what?'

- [Ignore them and walk off. Some time, up to a year later, yell 'TIMING!!' at the worst, most inopportune moment possible, like when they missed a bus, or text them 'timing' at 4am]

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Jun 29Liked by Stephen Sutton


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Jun 29·edited Jun 29


How far did it go....hmmm

You remember that one from 9 years ago?


[Steve Hughes on 'being offended'] Well nailed classic 👌

But short of skipping watching MSM completely [which I do persistently since 2010] and doing your own [oh how deadly] research - you're bound to get bamboozled.

I mean - let's be honest- we all choose our poisons.

But being aware that more than a decade [and particularly since Plandemic] BEHAVIOURAL SCIENTISTS are being consistently on payroll to shape public responses/ opinions/ emotional charges 🙄 - the whole shebang.

David Icke nicely summed it - know the DESTINATION - you'll recognise the journey.

All nicely knitted, all supposedly random....and yet dots fucking connect when you think about it.

Even alternative or so called 'alternative sources' - you just got to have your head screwed on!

I'm sure by now many saw supposed 'candidate debate' from US - talk about deep fakes. Wow. Listening to even few minutes was nothing short of torture. And aren't they the ones warning of deep fakes and need for PRE-BUNKING [Von der Layen unelected EU beaurocrat!]

Problem is - those psychopaths think they got us all so perfectly brainwashed / or brain dead - that the shit-show they push is becoming nothing short of awe- staggering. Seriously.

So yes...I agree.

And funny thing - have you noticed how here Caucasians wrote themselves out of existence in advertising/ promotion/ family models shown in media....

I love colours - don't get me wrong - but how the fuck someone who landed in any country less than year should be pushed as model citizen/ representative / or confirmation of virtue?


But I know it's just implementing globalist plans/ and their world dominion.

Oh don't kid yourself - there's no place for whites (except them / as White race is considered 'too rebellious ') no place for current traitors (though they will keep deluding themselves to the moment their heads are blown) Nor place for 95% of humanity - those are psychopathic vomits from their own plans [and they love to flaunt those in their own documentsand books!]

So...a bit of conundrum - should you give a fuck and give them your energy to syphon - WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DON'T LISTEN TO US [only a cattle to be managed]


As much as smooth transition to better [not their fucking better] - but one truly serving its people and communities options would be ideal....the way they drive destruction/ war/ stupidity/ prep for artificially created hunger....I feel once people realise they have nothing to lose - will be too late and it will get then ugly...

I don't remember now who - but someone wise noted - ONE GENERATION FIGHTS FOR FREEDOM - NEXT ONE PROFITS - 3RD DESTROYS IT.... and then CYCLE STARTS AGAIN.

WE LET IT TO GET DESTROYED [at least we still do and watch distracted with BS thrown around]


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Well now Stephen I'm not letting you away with this one....you say "Decolonise your mind, Don’t look at things how they present them. Apply your own filter and ask yourself why is it being presented to me in this manner. If you look at it with even the mildest bit of cynicism, you will spot the inherent bias staring you in the face if you have any sort of a brain." and what didthering did you do? You accepted that Natasha was assaulted and Crotty done it because the media presented that way, without a shred of real evidence....yet you can see the psy-op or can you? Hate speech laws, Facial recognition cameras for the good of all, demonising Irish men, dismantling the Army a giggle at a time. Wakey wakey

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Is this some sort of gotcha? I work on what I can prove, which is why people are reading what I’m writing. At the time of writing this it wasn’t clear it was a psyop. Plausible but not clear. Every single gobshite out there was screaming psyop but you need to present the evidence. Since then I watched two videos of her, one where she takes about “more diversity in the judiciary” and the other calling for hate speech laws. To be honest I wasn’t even listening to her or following this story until then because she was so annoying. The moment I heard that my ears pricked up. I was only using this as an example. To be honest I’m not even sure Crotty is not an actor, but if you are going to make extraordinary claims you need extraordinarily evidence. If you were to follow every single story you would not have a moment to yourself. I’ve since changed my position based upon the evidence I’ve seen emerge. If you didn’t have some anchor point to communicate the story you just look like a complete looper to those you are trying to convince. I’m not living in an echo chamber sometimes I have to tailor my words because I’m trying to expand the discussion and bring more people in. You can’t just bring people directly from A-Z so you “not letting me away with it” is not too much of a concern if I make one other person think for a moment. I’m not here to please you or to avoid your gotcha moments as you wait in the long grass for a moment of weakness or an undotted i or uncrossed t. Read if you want or go away if you want, all the same to me, I’m not your personal entertainer. If you’ve been reading my almost 100 articles you will know I am more than awake, I have spoken on all those topics you mentioned above, the difference with me and you is I don’t just jump in, I wait for more information to emerge and then build a proper case. That’s why you’re in my comments section trying to catch me out and I’m not in yours. Take care.

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