May 23Liked by Stephen Sutton

Great piece Stephen ,So true only for citizen journalists willing to go out and give communities a voice about the forced plantation into our country in every city, town, village and rural area . A green field site at Floods Cross with 335 pods for 985 scam refugees and benefit seekers , between Naas and Newbridge and near Caragh Village with a population of 1,400 people Sallins is just a few minutes drive from Floods Cross another 300 scammers there, Punchstown race course the same ,Eyre powell and the Gable hotels in Newbridge 300 more benefit seekers ,mostly young men from Africa ,Middle East and safe countries.

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Thanks Andy

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Ireland is no longer a Democracy. It is a despotic Tyranny.

When the Regime used brute force violence and pepper spray against the people of NewTownMount Kennedy,they lost all legitimacy as a Govt and do not govern by the will or consent of the People.

It behoves us to withdraw our cooperation with all forms of the Institutions of the State, and foul up the gears of the Machine in every way possible, within the Law.

The prime target must be the IPAS Centres ,by disrupting logistics of construction and accomodation, ,food, fuel ,water, sewage transport etc to create logistic bottlenecks all the way along the chain.

The weaponisation of Mass Plantation Migration is obvious.

To add to our physical displacement , the Regime is now Registering illegal,unvetted migrants to Vote in the Local Elections to oppose our native representation.

No doubt they will also transport them and supply incentives to increase their participation.

This is treason of the highest order.

It is absurd that illegal migrants have the right to Vote and stand for election in our Local Councils.

This dilutes/destroys our Local democracy

No doubt they will vote in their ethnic interests .

This is evil personified and a clear demonstration that an Electoral Coup is possible should the Irish People neglect their duty and not Vote their own interests.

Get out and Vote or lose your Nation and Republic.

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Absolutely, spot on with all 👍🏻

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May 24Liked by Stephen Sutton

Regarding the "totally organic" global majority candidates:

As bad as gombeens are, letting these interlopers in will be even worse. Focus on a big fat 'no' to these guys is a must. I've been doing a bit of data gathering, but stopped after the picture was clear. Go to a kalergi-kandidate's social media, and look at the 'likes' on their posts. It will be **minimum** 50% their own people liking their posts (with 90% being far more common). The comments from other Muslims under Al-Qadri's MEP campaign posts should spook right-thinking Europeans.

Of course, social media isn't real life. But if that isn't a barometer of what they represent, then what is?

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Goes without saying for me if you vote for a foreigner in your own country you are a moron

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May 23Liked by Stephen Sutton

Excellent piece with an important warning.

I was just thinking earlier that when I was made captain of my class, it was a means for the establishment of the time to control and silence me, so I quit a few weeks in.

I was hoping that same thing on a large scale didn’t happen to those seeing office.

And that their ego for being accepted into the fold didn’t cow them into submission, nor the perks, (which obv weren’t part of a 2nd year school :) .

(Reading 1984 was life changing, thanks for the reminder to read Animal Farm too btw !).

Appreciate you’re think pieces a lot, thank you very much !!

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Thank you for reading

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