Wonderful to see two of my favourite, heroic Irish men engaging. Nice to hear a lighthearted exchange for a change.

I think part of the reason why maybe we aren't being taken serious is the Far Right labelling, which has been specifically done to discredit us, to shame us, and to disregard us as extremists.

Another perception that I have come across is that the Irish people who turn up at protests are all lazy, unemployed, weed smoking, idiots.

There is a generalisation of the Far Right as being uneducated, inexperienced, untravelled, gombeens who have nothing better to do but turn up to protests, who hate 'vulnerable' asylum seekers and refugees, who are vile racists.

I remember years ago saying that this perception and stereotype needs to be broken.

Totally agree that our side is very fragmented, some await a Leader, others don't want Leaders, some come from this from a non violent mindset, others think there is nothing left but violence, so many different opinions and little unity.

But on a positive note, DEI and Affirmative Action have begun to fall in America 🇺🇸. I see this as a huge win for conservatives and the Right. It will take a whole for it to happen here of course.

I cannot share on here information that I have in regards to what is happening in Ireland but there has been some activity recently.

Community events are happening in Ireland, and many people have removed themselves from mainstream society creating whole new lives and futures for themselves. This is a huge positive step against the globalist Agenda.

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Thanks so much for all your support Priscilla, the fragmentation I feel is only temporary as people have withdrawn due to exhaustion. A cultural revival is what we need in order to capture the imagination of the people. We need a culture, a land and a people worth saving.

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Superb stuff Stephen & John. Thoroughly enjoyed it regardless of the seriousness of the subject matter. Convid, excess deaths, DEI, plantation etc are all part of the demoralisation and destruction of Irish culture and other native western cultures. Asserting our culture MUST start with the language and the rest will follow. We all need to rest now and again but never cease in the fight for our children’s future. 🙏

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Thanks so much Patrick, I think everyone is fatigued right now. It’s been a pretty intense four years. We need to pace ourselves now and re-evaluate how to dig in for the long haul.

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Sep 12Liked by Stephen Sutton

Is cinneadh iontach é Gaeilge a fhoghlaim, Stephen.

Go n-éirí leat.

Éire go brách!

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Go raibh míle maith agat, a chara

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Sep 11Liked by Stephen Sutton

Fasinating interview Stephen. Alot of I'd agree with , other bits not so much. I'd agree that all of us on our side of the fence have reached a cross roads. We've found , like the people in China , the old Soviet union, North korea etc , that it's hard to take on and beat the heavy hand of the state. We are really dissidents in our own country as they used to be called in eastern europe and the soviet union. I think the lack of progress is due to our movement being fractured and lacking a strong man / woman leader as they have in Italy , France , Hungrary , US , Holland. We have a motley crew of varying views that's easily picked off and ridiculed by state media. I'm not sure either that we are winning the argument mainly because the vast majority of Irish people dont want to know. They dont even want to listen. It's their new faith / religion . They have dropped Catholicism and adopted wokery. As a Catholic myself it's like someone coming to me saying Catholicism is all a joke and bad. I wont listen cause I'm committed to the faith. Same with Irish people on the wokery faith agenda.

There is also the tendency with Irish people to keep the head down anyway and adopt the whatever u say say nothing mentality.

I've stopped watching RTE for at least 10 years now , not because their programs are no good but because their whole output is polluted with their liberal left agenda whether its news, entertainment , sport. The same playbook is used in communist regimes.

On the paedophilia thing and child abuse , I think it has existed for centuries. I dont really think it is being promoted by the liberal left. The issue is more the promotion of different life styles where freedom to choose and no judgement is now king.

On the abuse in Catholic schools, I think a big part of the state's and media agenda is to remove the Catholic patronage from schools and replace it with state dominated schools . That is the liberal left's last remaining battle.

If the country is going to investigate historic abuse in schools, investigate all schools, religious and lay. Also investigate the role of the state, civil servants, Garda, social workers, government ministers etc. Its all to easy and convenient to do another hatchet job on the church.

Keep up the good work Stephen

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The church is a handy scapegoat, it’s a magicians sleight of hand. They are the current abusers saying “look over there”.

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Sep 12Liked by Stephen Sutton

Brilliant watch Stephen & John. My heart broke, burst, soared and returned to just beating by the end! Feel hopeful listening to ye speak of the creation of Proclamation 🙌 🇮🇪 a new direction of our collective energy. If ye should put a call out to non musicians that might be of service I’d happily oblige.

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Brilliant discussion stephen john as always tells it like it is both him and yourself are true irish patriots inspirational stuff

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Thanks Tommy 🙏🏻

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Looking forward to this Stephen, good scoop!

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It was a good ould chat

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I notice John Waters has another interview with Michael Yon.

Although this may not be pertinent to this discussion I have need to get this off my chest & Waters allows no comment on his substack. So please forgive me for offloading here. But it is relevant to the discussion between Stephen & John on the spiritual war.

I have become deeply suspicious of Mr Yon. He travels about the world having discussions with high level people & being allowed into various sensitive installations to have a look round.

This raises two questions

1. Who is Michael Yon? What are his credentials that give him such access? How does he finance his lifestyle?

2. What is Yon’s purpose? What does he do with all the information he gathers? He tells us we are all going to die in a genocide. There is no solution, he says. Then why bother to go to all that trouble of travelling the world to tell people this?

These types of interviews are akin to pornography.

All they do is leave the watcher feeling demoralised & distraught. Perhaps that’s the goal.

If we are so distraught we are easy meat for our attackers in this spiritual war. It’s a softening up exercise.

If we engage in this hopelessness it’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. You create your own reality. It’s also what the enemy want us to do - defeat ourselves.

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The problem here, Stephen, may be that those who seek to cast doubts on Michael Yon are generally speaking not people who have said or done anything to address or mitigate the evils we have faced for 54 months. Hurlers on the ditch, you might say.

We face a democide — those whom we trusted to manage our affairs turned rogue and enforced deadly measures which have already killed some 20,000 of our people - all to assist outsiders in installing a new kind of serfdom in our country. It is not the case that knowledge of evil beings only despair. It can also provoke awareness and awakening.

If there is the remotest possibility that what Michael says may be true, we need to be cognisant of it. In a sense it is nothing new: the ‘leaders’ we trusted have been killing our families and neighbours for 54 months, So even at its worst, Michael’s hypothesis would not represent a significant escalation. A lot of the criticism people like Michael attract comes from people who themselves refuse to acknowledge the dark place we have arrived to.

Perhaps there is no solution? But for my part I cannot think of any possibility of rescue other than the majority of our population rising to its feet and saying No! Hence, the ‘solution’ lies in raising awareness, which is what Michael Yon is doing.

I am reminded of Michael Caine’s greeting to a critic who had panned one of his movies: ‘Why don’t you make a movie and I’ll be in it?’

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And the Michael Caine comment was spot on. I don’t think I would be able to count the number of times over the past few years I’ve been challenged for my words or actions by someone with a shamrock on their profile with a name like ‘Saor Éire’ or something like that. People want to hide their identity but hold those who don’t to standards they themselves don’t adhere to have made themselves redundant. It’s scary but if you are not prepared to stand over your own words you can’t make any demands of anyone else.

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I think bringing the information to light however despairing is necessary John and as a journalist you were correct to put it out there if you think it could be true. All of what he says does not represent a significant escalation as you quite rightly said (in terms of outcome) but should this escalate in such a manner then the war becomes fully hot and kinetic and they can no longer keep up the pretence. In my view it must be looked at, however terrifying because it will put the population on high alert and prevent them from getting complacent, we must however counter balance that somehow to prevent ourselves from falling into despondency and despair. I’ve watched about 15 minutes of your second video so can’t give a fully qualified opinion just yet. I think it’s a case of people not wanting to entertain the possibility of this potentiality and also the fact that the psyops have been flying around of late and people are a lot more guarded and reluctant to take anything at face value. We have to ask ourselves one question on all this however. Are the conditions there for such an outcome? You would have to say — if you are being any way honest with yourself — the answer to that question is a resounding yes! As utterly terrifying as that may be to people. Population reduction is the aim. This way is messy, but are they capable? The answer again is of course they are. You were right to bring it to light, now at least it can be discussed.

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Myself and my national team are only interested in solutions. A national solution is on the IPA(Irishpeoplesassociation.net) website for everyone to see. The solution John is from the past. To create a dual system that people can step into. In the private, membership only, with a new currency, a new banking system, a new sovereign system of governance, a new market, travelling festivals, to gather all the patriotic musicians, artists, writers, poets, actors together to create into reality the new system, through talks, plays, healing modalities, concerts, setting up sovereign councils in every county in Ireland.

I have been talking about this for the past 4 years but interestingly enough, I have not once been invited onto any patriot celebrity shows to discuss the IPA vision. Maybe now is the time.


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‘Hurlers on the ditch’.

Nothing like a bit of name calling to deflect criticism.

I’ve had to hide in ditches at times. At times I wished I had a Hurley with me.

I have the right to an opinion, the same as you.

I’ve been involved in political & social campaigns throughout these islands for over 50 years. By the time you were clerking for CIE, John, in the mid 70s I was already well blooded & well aware of the dark places, even back in those halcyon days..

In this time I have learnt the hard way to be cautious around talking heads who pop up with a line to sell. Some times they are authentic. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes they are Pied Pipers.

Enough of the chest beating & leave multimillionaire Hollywood actors out of it.

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Hi Stephen. What intrigues me is the way people claiming (as far as I know) to be on our side in the war against humanity are the first to reach fir the censor’s scissors whenever they come across something that ‘offends’ or rattles them. So they issue stern lectures about what I should be doing differently, even though, not being subscribers of mine, they haven’t the faintest clue what I do or how I do it. For example, the risk of ‘pre-traumatic stress disorder’ (and associated hippocampal damage) was dealt with in depth in sn article about the work of Dr Michael Nehls, little over a month ago, so my readers would know of this risk and be able to consider what Michael says in that light also. I show multiple angles & give as many perspectives as possible on what is happening, but I don’t play God by deciding in advance whether my audience is mature enough to hear something. There’s quite enough of that going on already, I should think!

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There’s a big problem right now with people using known figures speaking out as an entertainment source rather than an educational resource. They have developed a preconceived notion of what you are in there own head and once you deviate from that image they become hostile in some cases. Failing to realise that you are a human being on your own journey who is trying to work things out in real time and have also been thrust into this situation without your consent. They would prefer to critique you because this allows them to deflect their own limitations. They should be focusing on the contributions they can make themselves. We are long past that point now. Thomas recently blocked a few people over a disagreement about Enoch Burke and I had people tagging me in posts giving out about him to say “look at this”. As if I would a) get involved in someone else’s dispute b) forget about and disregard the enormous contribution he has made because he blocked some fake identity accounts and c) that I’m somehow responsible for the words and actions of someone else because I am friendly with them. It’s absurd. People need to start stepping into their own power. They are operating from fear that’s why they are afraid of the information you present. I do have reservations about Yons scenario, as I think something else could be more plausible, but I will definitely watch the whole thing.

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You’ve fingered a few of the problems. The Resistance is becoming a mirror image of the Regime, trying to close down people who have perspectives different to theirs, or who are better at articulating them. Then adding this ‘moral’ element by trumping up some pseudo ethical aspect. It’s a truck perfected by the Cultural Marxists — ie the enemy!. I met with a great deal of that in the election.

There’s also this schizophrenic attitude that, yeah, we’re at war, being attacked, murdered, replaced, but at the same time everything’s normal and we need to apply the Irish Tines style book & house rules, because, by seeking to compensate for the corruption of the mainstream we’re somehow bound by their once-recognised rules. No we’re not. We’re at war. They’re the fucking enemy.

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Unfortunately I believe the current chaos and stagnation is all part of the growth process. People at differing levels of awareness who are looking for answers is bound to create such an atmosphere. That’s why it’s important at times to just stand back and allow certain situations to burn themselves out. In the scenario presented by Yon we don’t have such a luxury and it’s coming at a time when people are exhausted from 4 straight years of fighting, the prospect of having to regroup for an even bigger battle is daunting and terrifying and will be too much psychologically for some. This will inevitably lead to erratic emotional responses for those less equipped to process such information. For myself personally, I’ve known for a long time they want me dead so nothing’s going to surprise me regarding their chosen method. Most of us were ready to die rather than take the jab because we knew to do so was potentially fatal. The outcome is the same if this is true, albeit with a more invasive approach. We often talk about the spiritual battle. We are spirit at our essence so we just need to channel that to steel us for what’s coming. We can’t be sure exactly what it is, but I think we can all feel it’s something bad. That’s why doing positive things is so important to prevent us from getting stuck in a vortex of doom. The brain can’t function effectively then.

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What you think about comes about, where your thoughts go, energy flows. The dark cabal that controls the global media and now governments put a huge amount of money, energy & time into distracting us away from one thing, to be amazing. I have spent my whole life blocking ghouls around me, family & so-called friends from metaphorically putting a boot on my head and keeping me down to make them feel better about their own insecurities, self-loathing and lack of peace, happiness & manifesting potential. I am a semi-professional musician and I play in sessions from time to time and the green-eyed monster always rears its head in time, I just move on a continue to be amazing.

There’s nothing new under the sun and the microcosm is the true reflection of the macrocosm.

If we are truly to bring about positive change in the country we must create positive energy so infectious that nobody will want to be excluded. High paced, traditional music and folk music combined is a highly effective combination to lift the most protected of hearts. And this is a war for hearts and minds.

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I fully agree with your comment. I have my suspicions about him myself. John is just being a journalist I suppose and letting this information to be heard, I have another theory entirely like I mentioned in the video. I don’t like fatalism myself and I’m always suspicious of those who engage in it. It’s like the fear is the goal.

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Read Yon’s Wikipedia.

He killed a man in a barroom fight in the 1980s. Charges were dropped.


Anyone who has made a study of spooks will raise an eyebrow at that kind of event.

Did a man in black have a conversation with Yon?

‘Work for us Michael & we can make this murder rap disappear.’

Conveniently Yon was then discharged from the army in ‘87 to begin his roving ‘reporter’ role.

John Waters needs to look more closely into the background of his interviewees.

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I don’t speak for John and I wouldn’t go telling him what to do he’s quite entitled to speak to who he wants. Yes that is a plausible scenario you present, but John probably felt a sense of urgency to allow the information to be heard and allow people to make up their own minds.

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I dislike RTE not because I think it is left or liberal or whatever label we like to say we're against. I dislike RTE and refuse to watch or subsidize it because it's propaganda for corporations and the State. And by "the State" I mean "Ireland, client state of the US".

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Yea I don’t watch for the same reason

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Stephen Sutton

I've had the same thoughts that these guys are potential soldiers for nato for a war in europe. i think the US is following the same path...it will offer citizenship to those migrants who join up. also interesting considering most of the US forces are multi-jabbed whereas the migrants are not. however regarding the migrants here, what incentive would they have to join up for a war in europe? why wouldn't they just feck off home instead? also as christian morris has pointed out, the re-development of that train track from the harbour in foynes is an interesting development.

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Loving the sound of this new venture. Einstein and Freud exchanged thinking on War and Peace many moons ago and Freud concluded that culture was the way to being about peace. I must try and get that exchange for you.

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The problem with those two is that Einstein was something of a fraud and Freud was a child molester.

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I am personally delighted that John & yourself have come to this juncture. Inspiration and a rejuvenating of all things Irish & Gaelic including the language is vitally important if we are to reach middle Ireland. The country is totally demoralised and needs lifting, not lecturing. We created the IPA(Irishpeoplesassociation.net) because we recognised the need to pull all Irish patriots together to create the Ireland we always wanted, free of external control. The Chinese word for chaos is also opportunity so now we have an opportunity to finally create the Ireland we have always wanted. 32 county engagement through a free market, new banking system, new currency, development of the language, music, heritage, rejuvenating of rural Ireland. A calling to the diaspora to assist with this project. I personally have written a song called Ireland we love, which my band the awakening will record soon. We plan to tour Ireland with a travelling festival to reach all marginalised peoples in the 32 counties. Plans are afoot to write a play reflecting on what has happened since March 2020 to our country. Our band will be tuning to A432 harmonics to perform a healing concert. We have already tested this with an audience with remarkable results.

Great things are coming.


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Fantastic chat lads.

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Thanks Stephen

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Sep 17Liked by Stephen Sutton

Best way to hone your Irish is to watch Ros na Run, and use the new Gaeilge subtitles. You can start and stop it. And attune your ear to the fast clip of native speakers. It's mad but it's enjoyable.

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I’ll do that thanks

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The best way to hone your Irish is to watch Ros na Rún with the new Gaeilge subtitiles. You can stop and start it. And get your ears attuned to the fast clip of native speakers. And it's mad but enjoyable.

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