A Republic is a form of Govt. of the People , by the People and for the People.

We elect representatives to manage the affairs of State for the benefit of its native People, secure /defend its Borders and ensure the wellbeing, safety and security of the People.

To protect the People from a tyrannic or despotic, overarching Regime ,a Constitution has long been agreed by the Legislature, (Dail).

This form of democratic Govt has 3 separate independent layers to prevent abuse of Power.

The Executive,(Cabinet of senior Ministers), the Legislature (Dail), the Independent Judiciary, (with its layers of Disrict, High Court, Appeal Court and Supreme Court).

The Irish President has little executive power, but signs off on legislation presented to him by the Dail.

If there are doubts about a legislative Bills' constituitionality, the President can refer it to the Supreme Court for interrogation/debate and final legal decision.

Unfortunately, all these protective layers in Irelands Republic are usurped by the Political Party system.

The Party system has a Whip in each Party to ensure all Members vote in unison on any motion presented to the Dail by the Cabinet.

This Whip system can use threats of Party penalties, withdrawal of support. promotion opportunities, or even expulsion.

Other types of pressure are granting of various favors, inducements or blackmail.

We have seen these tactics, with the recent EU Migration Pact, the Hate Speech Bill, the Covid Lockdowns and Apartheid Passports.

Irelands Judicial appointments are in the fief of whichever Party is in Power.

It has taken a couple of decades .but they now have their men in place as a majority, especialy in the Supreme Court to wave thru any controversial Bill or obstruct any legal case that opposes the Regime.

All these were Bills were forced thru the Dail against the will of the People and with little debate.

The Constituition is the only brake on the Regimes' runaway reckless behaviour and its been its target to neutralise over the decades, with many Referenda pushed thru, using the massive Propaganda spin machine of RTE and legacy Media, with hidden agendas, obfuscated by legalese within the Bills.

Ireland is no longer a Democracy but a Tyrannical Dictatorship of a Cabinet Junta who abuse their power and suppress violently any Opposition to their program of Plantation Migration.

This cannot stand much longer and cannot be overcome by an Electoral process that the Regime controls and is easily manipulated in its favor.

The recent EU MEP results concluded with Regime candidates with little ability/popularity being successful, should give sentient observers pause for thought as to the credibility of that vote.

The point of Power is to use it, to stay in Power and all means fair, foul and criminal will be used.

The People of Ireland need to wake up, to the danger to their existence.

Ignorance ,naivety and trust have been our greatest weakness and been exploited cynically.

All has changed and the Regime are the Enemy of us all.

A baton on the bonce has woken many and injured more, and will continue until we remove these foul cretins that attempt to abuse us into submission.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Stephen Sutton

Excellent piece.

History shows that it is the working class who have effected real change against regimes.

The middle classes either theorise about it supported by their degrees or sit smugly condemning the 'working class fascists' or are simply too scared & too brainwashed to think critically.

See this originally shared by John waters


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I did, terrifying. Can’t say I disagree either.

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Jul 16Liked by Stephen Sutton

Brilliantly articulated Stephen.

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Thank you

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Jul 16Liked by Stephen Sutton

It’s incredible watching the progressive, silver spoon socialist inclusive’s HATE on the working class.

How easily the word “scumbags” is used and tolerated.

It was an absolute coup to replace class struggle Marxism to cultural Marxism.

The protected wealthiest sociopaths pulled focus.

They are not the criminals if the war is race, gender, lgb, “trans kids”, planet, differently abled, etc

The permitted villians now are the western poor & disenfranchised, (as opposed to the tragic “great unbanked” from elsewhere, the beneficiaries of the kindly elite, not those who plundered their lands nooooooooo :).

This video below made all their other wars to deflect from that one, make perfect sense.

Watch all the “good pple” point fingers on social media, “who brings a CHILD to a protest, not “what cop pepper sprays a kid “.

I’d like to be as positive as you Stephen but I’m seeing 50% comments on the likes of dublins biggest GAA page (resevoir dubs) is “Batton charge the scumbags” from “the taxpayers”.

50% then tied the ex shinners or working class are defending what’s called pushed onto a corner and the tactics

And the other half of them from middle / upper class areas. The “yes they are terrible, but they shouldn’t be putting a load of men abruptly in coolock”.

The media is shilling hardcore tactics predicated on cherry picked framed incidents, will they succeed ?

As it’s the same cohort listening who was swayed to think as they’re told in Covid and like you said, don’t see the thread ?

As for Gavin Pepper, the guy posting EVERYWHERE about being a rich landlord and to “get your vaccine” we all have the screengrabs he came outta absolutely nowhere in 2023 - had you heard of this hero in 2020-2022 ?

I hadn’t and I totally would have or my peers certainly would and NONE do.

He then suddenly had thousands upon thousands of followers and now gets all the airtime, a msm darling with the Sunday World.

The same paper who very kindly disabusing pple of their awful NOTIONS he might own another property (wasn’t that nice of them), gets all the airtime on TV, gets voted in as a counceller, on and on it goes.

So him popping up all over this is the worst part of the while Coolock scene.

The white haired guy taking the mik at the start started ranting about lesbians and gays and the gay flag. Way to go to act militant 1950’s bigot as if there’s no gays in the village (of coolock). And kill the movement while you’re at it.

When reputation and optics either brings trust & respect or water cannons, then every word written and courted commentators given mik counts.

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I’m struggling for optimism but we must move forward somehow

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Jul 16Liked by Stephen Sutton

Apologies, I don’t want to be a hope killer. When I reflected 50% is actually pretty good despite the legacy media behaving as it’s one view only. That also does frustrate pple and may do more to turn plle on side than they know.

It’s still all to play for and I do believe ultimately we’ll succeed.

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There is some good in this world... and it's worth fighting for

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Jul 16Liked by Stephen Sutton

Jer Svg:


The absolute lack of empathy, lack of connection or consideration by the editors of todays daily rags, for the general population and particularly for those of a different social class, those with a different accent, different to those not coming from the privileged college educated "professional" bullshit job vacuums, the career minders secure in their cosy narcissistic bubbles is appalling , absolutely appalling.

We can only imagine that the same sect of controllers & creeps kept a safe distance from those who died of starvation 175 years ago.

That attitude prevails with the victim easily identified now by their close connection with their neighbours, their lack of official education, their accents & their disconnect from dinner parties of the parasitic tic classes that hold the reins of power in this now completely lost / sold emerald Isle of lies & power lickarsery. Those headlines are abominable & as symptomonious (new word) of 1970's South America dictatorship mentality as is possible.

How long will it b til they open fire on local people who want to stay safe.

And as always, the camera is behind their gestapo - facing this fearsome "mob". Let's say "embedded".

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Great article stephen this is a disgrace the way them scumbags black and tan badtard beating there own people for protesting that Michael yon video john waters posted really warns what's coming absolute hell for irish people and our scumbag politicians led by that piece of shit harris allow it to happen

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Jul 17Liked by Stephen Sutton

Unfortunately the WEF army is already here, billeted and ready for deployment. Ireland is in it's most dangerous situation since independence. We as Irish people cannot afford to lose this fight otherwise we are doomed, our tiny population size will see to that.

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