This is the most important Irish article of 2023. SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE

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Cheers Thomas 🙏🏻

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Well said Stephen, the ongoing blatant lies of these supposed journalists are beyond belief, to the point of arrogance, no apologies, no explanation, they believe they are above scrutiny! Most crimes are going unreported by these rags, because the perpetrators are non nationals! Exactly the same formula in other EU countries, we've all seen how that's going in Germany, Sweden, UK... A country which also cancelled the programme "crime watch" what a giveaway...

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I’ve posted links in the comments to other resources who have covered this story

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These are the same Establishment who throw Fact Checkers, Misinformation, Hate Speech Laws and all manner of covert censorship at anyone who has a viewpoint counter to that of the Irish Government. The Irish Times has no choice now but to fire Conor Gallagher as a public statement of neutrality of their editorial stance. If Gallagher remains on their payroll they are making a public declaration of being a propaganda outlet for the Irish government.

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Thank you Thomas for directing us to this very good article and of course to Stephen for writing it

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I really do feel that some of these attacks and murders are only being reported on for damage control of a much sinister world at play in the background behind the scenes here in Ireland. Ireland is run by trafficking and crime lords now who aren’t even from here . Another lady attacked by Dublin airport yesterday morning . She looked dead from the footage. The papers were reporting straight after that she went to hospital and it wasn’t life threatening. Can we believe anything we read in this country anymore ? I think not . I think they will report only if something / situation has been made a spectacle of before they get the chance to send out their cleaners!

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I seen the footage it was horrendous, she definitely looked dead the poor girl. What a country they have turned it into. Such absolute monsters.

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It is not unusual for the press to only provide scant information in such a high profile case avoiding speculation as it can easily prejudice a trial.

This was a particularly egregious crime.

I've scanned through numerous articles from a variety of sources and the most detailed comment I could find was from an Indian website ...

"According to her post mortem reports, the 31-year-old allegedly assaulted Murphy, beat her, and choked her to death. "

If it is true that a post mortem stated strangulation then is it reasonable to criticise the press at this stage ?

I've not seen the post mortem myself but assuming the above is true then the real concern may be that the State itself wanted to hide more damning details.

At least there is a proper trial going on.

Clearly importing large numbers of immigrants who do not integrate causes serious problems. It's as though our political masters have been knowingly trying to harm us ? Why ?

Have you noticed in the last weeks we have many politicians in the West saying immigration is causing problems. The narrative is suddenly changing again. Why ?

We may be soon seeing large numbers of Israeli immigrants in the next few years. There is a serious chance that Israel will fail. Could it be that the brakes now need to be applied to Muslim immigration ?

Who is really pulling the strings ?

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Don’t understand what you are getting at here. The evidence was read out in court. The initial reports were not scant information, they were a blatant lie. Big difference between strangulation and 11 stab wounds to the neck. Those are the facts and there is no getting away from it.

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If the post mortem said strangulation how would journalists be able to conclude it was different ?

From what I can gather the cause of death by stabbing has just been revealed.

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So who lied? That’s the question I ask in the article. The journalist printed something that was false so we want answers from him as to why he misled the public for over a year. If there is a simple explanation that makes sense I’m happy to hear it. From him though, he wrote it so the burden falls on him to explain. I highly doubt the post mortem cited strangulation as the cause of death when the poor girls head was nearly hacked clean off! The mortician would need to have a white stick. What you are saying makes no sense.

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