It’s hard to find the vocabulary to explain what went on in Dublin on Thursday. An Algerian (Irish citizen, here 20 years, blah, blah, blah) stabbed 5 people including 3 children in a frenzied, unprovoked attack on Parnell Square in central Dublin. I didn’t use the terms ‘random’ or ‘isolated’ as the mainstream media have, simply because this very situation has been repeatedly warned about and ignored by all who had the ability to prevent it. This is now a global news story - as the attempted murder of children in broad daylight should be.
A riot broke out in the aftermath as tensions finally spilled over in what was evidently the final straw. Buses, Garda cars, Luas trams and other public property and infrastructure got damaged, along with private commercial property, with looting also taking place. All of which is extremely unfortunate and sad to see. However, I am not going to switch my brain off like some and pretend it came from nowhere. This has predictably dominated the headlines and discussion in the immediate aftermath, instead of the poor little 5 year old girl in critical condition, fighting for her life. At the time of writing this piece, we still have no official confirmation of her condition. No updates whatsoever.
No, the nauseatingly corrupt media have brazenly, chosen to run with the ‘far right’ narrative instead, making complete fools of themselves with the sane members of the public. The fact there is footage circulating from on the ground which brings more context to the picture, proving that it is not as simple and convenient as they would like to make out, adding fuel to the fire (pun intended). The identity of some of the looters for instance, would never be shown and would be censored by the media. It’s a real sign of the positive side of diversity in action.
Members of an Garda Siochána - I have heard from sources who were present - were actively antagonistic towards protesters at the scene and were goading them with jibes about unemployment and other stereotypes. This is anecdotal of course and I understand not verifiable, however the footage of the riot squad member smashing the window of the Ilac Centre, on Henry Street does heavily support this claim.
When tensions are high like this, it is a magnet for criminals and opportunists to take advantage of the situation to use it as cover to carry out their destruction. Nihilists with no cause, on hand to weaken the cause of people with conviction. Throw into the mix a few agent provocateurs, paid state Antifa types masked and hooded for cover, helped by rogue Gardaí and viola, you have yourself a riot ladies and gentlemen. It only takes one brick to smash a window and mob mentality kicks in. What is most disgraceful and disgusting is that an elite paid public servant who would be expertly aware of this dynamic, trained in crowd psychology decided to take matters into his own hands. This is where Drew Harris excels. Even with all the agitation, carnage and violence however, the official narrative has still not stuck and has already lost its power. Particularly with the overseas media.
If you want to know how despicable and evil our media, our current regime, and the impostor who is dressed up as our Taoiseach are, look no further than how they have tried to stage manage this one. Even the sub-narrative of the Go Fund Me set up for the Brazilian deliveroo driver, Ciao Benicio (who is a hero, well done my friend) having his face all over the paper (and rightly so) is soured by these creatures. There were 2 others who helped and the one first to the scene was Irishman Warren Donohoe, who was obviously too white and Irish to be afforded similar deserved adulation.
He is only now being acknowledged because the alternative media forced him into the conversation. Alan Loren-Guille, a 17 year old French lad also selflessly intervened. Careworker, Leanne Keogh, who was hospitalised with injuries is also worthy of the highest praise possible. All are heroes, all risked their lives without a moment’s thought. Acting on impulse to instinctively do the right thing, by helping innocent defenceless children and reducing the level of carnage the Irish government has helped facilitate. Those are the types of sinister tactics deployed to steer narratives in the state’s favour. Pure wickedness.
Varadkar’s solution to prevent further attacks on children is to publicly attack the people of Ireland and fast track hate speech laws so the poor assailant can be protected from their anger. This is the absurdity of these people. After the British killed hundreds of unarmed civilians in the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, in Varadkar’s ancestral homeland, it was widely accepted that this was the end of any right or claim that the British had to morally rule India. The same is now true for this unelected, globalist corporate CEO.
He is a spectacular failure on absolutely every level imaginable. The erection of dystopian watch towers facing the GPO, the very building where the spark that lit the flame of Irish freedom ignited, is a deliberate provocation. This man is evil. He hates you Ireland, you had better wake up fast. Evil is often depicted with horns, when in truth it is more commonly empty and banal, uninteresting, unimaginative, untalented, unremarkable. This leads to an inner conflict causing the subject of this emptiness to project this soullessness out into the world. Immaturity keenly aware of it’s own nothingness, lashing out trying to make everyone else as miserable as them.
Any legislation passed from here on in by this animal and his cabinet, should be completely ignored by the Irish public. We have now crossed the rubicon into full scale civil disobedience. More and more people are becoming wise to their tricks and it is not working anymore. It has all blown up in their faces. They won’t be able to NGO their way out of this one. The people of Ireland have risen and you have already lost. You just don’t realise it yet. In a country which possesses perhaps one of the greatest literary traditions in the world, the likes of you and McEntee want to criminalise words! Comical. Rest assured we still possess those linguistic and communication skills. The first person you attempt to prosecute for something that comes out of their mouths, we will make immortal. We will attach every mythological archetype we can to that person to create a charge that will reverberate and echo through the corridors of eternity. See, we are acutely aware that we are living through history and you are attempting to eradicate our people. Not on our watch, you mediocre miscreant.
They will of course always have the unwavering support of their army of social climbing, intellectual snobs, who make up Ireland’s middle class. Those who have successful careers but know little about anything else outside of that box. They are every bit as wicked and despicable as the establishment in a lot of cases. Weak men are creating these hard times. There’s a familiar, lazy trope now being bandied about by the vessels of repetition who inhabit the middle class abortion fan club of ‘yummy mummy/Lycra dad’ polite Ireland, that all of these people (to a man) who were in Dublin on Thursday evening, were unemployed and uneducated.
These are the people who wag the finger and virtue signal about discrimination, yet they are the first to pile on with the discrimination of their own working class and lump them into the same bracket if they get the green light from RTÉ. They have ignored the three years of peaceful protests that were also ignored by the government and once more allowed the magicians slight of hand to divert their attention away from the children, towards a few opportunists and provocateurs because it’s easy. And boy don’t they love easy.
No perspective, context or balance. And you believe yourselves to be educated and look down your nose at the working class? These people who have been out peacefully protesting, protecting their communities on cold nights while you sipped Shiraz in your warm room are not only smarter and more educated than you, they are also better people. I overheard one buffoon at my youngest daughter’s GAA blitz talking about the need for water canons and ‘beatings up the mountains’ by special branch for those responsible.
What does this whole episode tell us? It tells us that the government and media are more concerned about public property paid for by us, than they are for our children. So too are many of you. You have reduced the price of your child’s life to that of a bottle of Chanel No. 5. Sounds crude and rudimentary, but in essence that’s basically what you have done by parroting their script.
The fact a child was stabbed in daylight is completely secondary to a virtue signalling opportunity, as 8 year olds run around the camogie field, that was the dominant narrative in the head of the aforementioned ‘lovely man’. He and others like him will never get it. His child and mine are now unsafe in their own school and this is his focus. Just incredible. In 3 years they have learned absolutely nothing. His wife was nodding along proudly, oblivious to the fact that he would be cowering in the corner of the room at the very moment her or her kids needed his protection. He clearly doesn’t possess that instinct love. Sorry.
This individual was twice the size of me, about 6’4” and well built and I just looked at him in disgust. The sheer weakness. I was speaking with a friend later that evening and he framed it beautifully, “Stand for nothing, big fat marshmallow. A 14 year old from Tallaght would take everything off him, he's pathetic and knows it”. Couldn’t really have said it any better. Time to cut these eejits adrift now. They’ve picked their side and good luck to them. They will never, ever, ever change and are extremely dangerous. I actually gave them the benefit of the doubt post Covid and was willing to move on. No more. I’m done with these types.
Children were stabbed on the streets of our capital city in broad daylight. If this is not your line you don’t have a line. You have sided with the enemy one too many times. Time for you to now step aside and allow real men to protect your children since you are too afraid to. I’m not really concerned about you anyway, your pathological need for safety above all things means you will move with any paradigm shift because there is safety in numbers. We are the people who push that needle, you are the ones who will follow regardless because all you stand for is the safety of numbers. An animalistic self preservation is all that drives you. So when a critical mass is reached, those you once disparaged, will be vindicated. They already have been but your fear of the might of the state, means you choose to ignore it. Even as you lose friends and family by their very hand all around you. You pretend it’s not happening and you don’t notice, but you do. Oh you know alright.
We, the Irish people who refuse to back down, view this as a war. A plantation or invasion, whatever you wish to call it. Men are being dumped in our country from all over, all are potential violent criminals and/or terrorists and we are the problem for highlighting it? Not going to work this time I’m afraid. All the usual left wing Z-list celebrities craving publicity and relevance are out expressing their disgust at these events not realising that they are presently committing public suicide. “Won’t somebody please think of the shops”. How can we expect people who view abortion as a form of birth control to place a child’s life above a Gucci handbag? Why are we even surprised at this point?
The working class showed the level of righteous rage required to protect a child from this type of madness and while I take absolutely no pleasure in seeing the city I love being engulfed in flames, I do understand it. Moreover, would be child killers will be walking our streets a little less comfortably and nonchalantly now because of it. This in my book automatically makes them better people than you. Despite the optics. The message to the regime is simple and clear from the Dubs. Protect our children, or we will. These are the passionate defenders of our nation. These are the ones with the parental instincts to safeguard the next generation.
Those of you in middle Ireland guffawing and condemning the civil unrest in Dublin. I’ve news for you. You played your part in it. Your moral cowardice and complete ignorance of your country’s affairs has created this powder keg situation. This release of energy has been building a long time. You don’t get to hide behind your broadsheet sipping coffee expressing faux disgust. You let your fellow citizens be marginalised by the propaganda of those who facilitated this attack on Ireland’s innocence. I’m hearing the usual rubbish from polite society, “oh they won’t get support like that”, “they’ve harmed their cause” et cetera.
I have two words for you, Fuck you! Your abject cowardice has helped create this extreme situation. Don’t you dare go judging people when you have done nothing! Nothing for three years, while they have aggressively changed this country beyond all recognition and turned it into a place where it’s now normal for children to be stabbed in broad daylight. What would you have people do you pathetic armchair critics. People who stand for absolutely nothing, waiting in the wings to chastise and berate those who have backbone and courage. All to deflect from your cowardice. It’s embarrassing and sickening.
We have warned incessantly that this would happen, don’t you fucking dare pretend we haven’t. Anyone siding with the state, you are pathetic weaklings. A line has been crossed and not by the ‘scumbags in Dublin’. The line was crossed three years ago but you were too cowardly and brainwashed to realise it. They have robbed you of your soul and made you mere storage tanks of empty platitudes, that on a surface level seem correct and morally sound, but at the source come from a place of pure evil. Making you an ally of that evil.
You allowed them to successfully push the sensible voices warning of this potentiality, out to the outer margins of society. When you do that, it creates an environment where actual extremism can flourish. Both left and right. You don’t get to look down your nose at these people now. You have lost that right. The time for you to engage in some introspection on this has long since passed. You were given the greatest gift of all. A republic, by those who freed you so this could never again happen in our country. So the children of Ireland could never be in danger as they came to and from school. A country in which to thrive and prosper free from the yoke of British Imperialism and tyranny. You blew it! Now it’s left to the likes of us to restore it.
People point to the many different migrants who live among us, who are decent people and have assimilated well as an excuse to ignore the current situation and dismiss what’s playing out in front of them, in clearly observable reality. My own children play with the children of migrants. As too did I as a child. You do these decent hardworking, ordinary people an enormous disservice by lumping them into the same bracket as the document dodgers. The two are not the same and to brand people racist for pointing this out is utterly disgusting.
In fact I would welcome migrant fathers to speak out in defence of our children who are in danger from the criminal class of their countries. This could also be your child the state have endangered, you do know that - after promising you a land of milk and honey. I played this exact scenario out in my head for months on numerous occasions, including the predictable pearl clutching reaction if violence broke out. What did you expect would happen? The air inevitably to all this is the truly sad part. People have warned this would happen ad nauseum, including the violent reaction and we were called names for pointing it out. To the naysayers, this is your country now. You chose this. Now live it.
You blew it when you let Tony Holohan become your surrogate father, meekly and pathetically calling him Dad, while you worked from home and binged on Netflix box sets drinking wine and eating cheese boards. Now it’s back over to the descendants of the lads who freed you in the past to do it all over again, while your woke sensibilities are offended. What are you more upset by, your tax money having to be used to repair some of the infrastructural damage in Dublin or the government using your tax money to harbour foreign child killers? If you have children and your reaction to this is the former, they don’t have a parent they can rely on.
They have an easily manipulated fool who will not even notice as they are fed to the wolves. But then you have probably already poisoned them. Do you even love your children or are they just a status symbol like your car? The people who have fought this regime for three years straight love their children. Of that I am absolutely certain. They would die for their children. Can you truthfully say that? You were afraid to catch Covid off them and now believe damage to an insured department store is worth more than someone else’s child’s life. You must do, you have allowed that to be the story and not the terror attack in Dublin. Again no judgement, just truth. Your choice, live with it.
The problem with middle Ireland is that they largely believe they still live in the same country they did in 2019. The whole landscape has changed and they are acting as if nothing has and that they never received the memo. Stop pretending, we know you are not that stupid. Just afraid. Scared, frightened little children, who are also devoid of genuine decency. Me, me, me. Christmas shopping in Arnotts superseded schoolchildren getting stabbed in broad daylight.
What has been done to their brains is truly remarkable, it really is. A triumph of propaganda, Edward Bernays would no doubt be proud of. They have failed test after test, from 2020 onwards. They have an inability to recognise patterns, they have little, if any contextual appreciation or understanding. They just see the fire, never the arsonist. They are completely incapable of looking beyond the optics into the root cause and fine details of the problem. They don’t realise this is a process and, while it’s unfortunate and mostly indefensible what occurred the other night, anyone with any sort of ability to think knows full well this has happened as a direct result of the government’s failure on migration. That and also their subsequent policy of dismissing the Irish as racists for daring to want to preserve the country their ancestors fought to give them.
As usual the jelly-like spines of middle Ireland have retreated to default mode and fell into line with the demonisation of their own people (despite the almost unanimous overseas support) by finger wagging at others when they have cowered in terror in the face of every single bit of adversity that has come their way. Like a battered spouse back into the arms of an abusive, aggressive lover because of the fear of the unknown. For the comfort of familiarity however brutal that may be. They have once again disgraced themselves. They may as well be already dead. Many of them soon will be, if we are to consult the grim excess deaths statistics which show no signs of slowing down. The reflex trigger responses they involuntarily have to media induced fear and misdirection means they are irrelevant anyway. A new paradigm is emerging and they will collapse with the old. In fairness they have been afforded every opportunity to be brave and stand up, but they would prefer some political party would come and save them. The people on the streets realise they are all captured, so despite your intellectual superiority complex, Anto in the tracksuit on the dole is actually a lot smarter than you. That must kill you more than anything and it brings me enormous joy to write this because it’s absolutely true. You snob.
Living through three of the most turbulent years in an age of unprecedented information at your fingertips, coupled with your friends and family trying their best to inform you of the developing situation, loved ones, friends and acquaintances, including young people, dying suddenly all around you and still you have chosen ignorance. The scenes in Dublin scare you, not because of the violence itself, but because it forces you to look into the darkness and evaluate the part you played in it all, through your ignorance. Your cowardice forces you to default to the side of the state because you believe it provides stability and security, when it is clearly demonstrating daily that it stands for neither.
They have shown they stand for nothing, only what the globalist program tells them to. You also stand for nothing, which is why you will fall for anything and now find yourself rudderless and scared. Your choice again, I’m not going to judge, good luck to you, but those are the facts. This is likely to get worse because neither side is going to back down. If you don’t have the stomach for what’s happening now, you will have nightmares about what is likely to come in the near future. If the state (our employees) continues to refuse to listen to legitimate concerns, this will escalate and escalate and escalate further, until excessive force is used, which you will most certainly support if it is dressed in a suit or uniform. But it won’t be the ‘far-right’ who caused it, despite what the papers say. People who are intellectually honest and mature adults are capable of looking at these things objectively and realise that actions have equal and opposite reactions.
You cannot suppress people’s voice or energy indefinitely, things will eventually spill over and manifest in uglier ways if you try. As Irish American US President, John F. Kennedy once famously said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”. Criminally prosecuting people for words, is precisely the type of thing Kennedy meant. It is deliberate to silence dissent and steer reasonable people towards violent rebellion, hence making them appear to be terrorists to those (like yourself) who haven’t been paying attention. They know most people won’t support such an eventuality which creates further division and fragmentation and also provides the excuse to go full jackboot. The hate speech laws are Ireland’s Reichstag Fire.
It is hardly surprising that people who cannot fathom this simple truth, can so easily have their anger diverted from a horrific attack on children - who could have been yours - towards the disturbance of Christmas shopping. Are you not ashamed of yourself? Have you no self respect? Once more you have disgraced yourselves. Again, your choice but your children will sadly have to live (enslaved) or die by your choices. Choices you are, in the immediate term still free to make. Although when the boot of tyranny comes fully down you will most likely welcome it, because there won’t be angry people on the streets anymore, to offend your polite, liberal disposition. Perhaps you may not even notice, because the television will have the sales pitch to provide you with an excuse as to why you are one of the good people for following instructions. You’re not. Sorry.
Nothing worthwhile or good has ever been achieved without struggle. You may not realise it yet that you are in a war, but you are. As you sit at home watching the entertainment provided to hold you in a hypnotic state by the very enemy who is attacking you, there is a whole world outside passing you by. A world that is being changed and forged anew. For good or ill. Whether any of us like it or not. The old world is gone and believe me nobody’s heart is broken more than mine about that. The Irish establishment are on board with an agenda that will create a dystopian hellscape of nightmare proportions, so siding with them will not bring back your old world. Only getting active and taking responsibility will. If you do nothing, you will be subsumed into their system.
Nobody has all the answers and in the short term there will be chaos and confusion unfortunately. Sometimes resulting in violence, but in that chaos there is opportunity. The opportunity to build something better and new. What that will be or how that will look is still in the balance and has not been figured out yet, but it starts with taking ownership of your own destiny and not always looking externally for answers. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. The ones who do this will emerge from this painful birthing process like a butterfly from the chrysalis. Those who don’t will remain caterpillars and food in the proposed new zero carbon future. You are being forced to make a choice and neither is safe, but one is certain slavery for you and your children and perhaps death.
We will all die one day, but is life not a precious gift worth fighting for. The poor child still fighting for her life after being brutally stabbed by an invader would certainly think so I’m sure. A life of complete innocence, oblivious to the current global nightmare and carnage that adults have created in their world. Adults enabled by grown up children like you, who have managed to convince you that what they represent is stability, despite all the evidence before your eyes.
That is why I find it extremely difficult to condemn the events in Thursday night even though I must, simply because I have a deep understanding of how it has come about. I hate to see violence and chaos erupt in the streets of my beloved city, but I can’t switch my brain off and pretend it came from nowhere. Having played out this exact scenario in my head for months now, over and over, including the angry public response, the predictable tone deaf idiotic government, left wing and media response and also the equally predictable hysterical, naive response from the mutes of middle Ireland. I was too upset and shook by the whole thing over the weekend that I actually broke down crying on a number of occasions. That’s how much it means to me. I will not be bullied or scolded by those who feel nothing or stand for nothing. We have been put through a series of spiritual tests with invariably the choice that was the more difficult one,proving ultimately to be the correct one. Some of you have failed them all. Time to hold up the mirror and look within.
It’s unthinkable how we have allowed it to come to this. How our children can no longer feel safe walking to school. How we as parents now have no peace of mind. I also cried for my country. The country I so dearly love, the country we are leaving to our children. If I could give my life now this very moment, as a trade to ensure that my children’s future safety and prosperity in this country would be guaranteed, I wouldn’t give it a moment’s hesitation. How many of you could honestly say that? I have tears dancing in my eyes right now as I write these words, because a rage and passion of equal measure burns within me, but also because, I know the answer is very few and I know who they are. They are those who continue to march on into the eye of the storm, knowing full well the consequences should we fail.
Anyone who is a student of history is acutely aware of the repercussions that lie in wait for political dissidents within a totalitarian regime once the boot comes fully down. That is why I have nothing but admiration for my people. Despite this recent setback. You are some of the bravest, most incredible human beings alive. To have endured what you have for three years solid, fighting on for yourselves and others, for your children and their children - even in the face of hostility from them - to try rescue this great nation, is perhaps the most inspiring thing I will ever witness. We will never stop. We must never stop. We cannot stop.
The class of people responsible for all this are most likely currently sipping brandy and smoking Cuban cigars, while we are at each other’s throats, delighted and entertained by the chaos they have created. Possibly even ignoring Varadkar’s phone calls and taking bets on how he will deal with this. We actually have far more respect for these puppet masters, due to the level of cunning it takes to be able to bring humanity to this point through nudging and consent. You have to acknowledge the genius of it. They are a worthy adversary. The petulant children they have positioned as our ministers are another story altogether.
Varadkar is a monster. The undercurrent of menace is always threatening to bubble to the surface with this one, and its incidents like this, when he feels he’s presented with the moral high ground to attack his own people, that draws out whatever entity possesses him. It’s unsurprising that a soulless, childless demon with no interest in the future of Ireland, who celebrated the abortion referendum like Ireland won the rugby World Cup, is more outraged by the aftermath than the attempted murder of that future, our innocence, our beautiful children. A half-Indian homosexual with no family values, with an open visceral hatred for our nation and its people, whose influences vary from Mao Zedong (responsible for the deaths of over 30 million Chinese) to Winston Churchill (responsible for the deaths of both Irish and Indian people). A man who fan girls at Kylie Minogue concerts sending her letters on state headed paper, who quotes lines from Lord of the Rings and Terminator while people were locked in their houses due to his lies and who views Downing Street through the prism of ‘Love Actually’, rather than in terms of Anglo-Irish relations and diplomacy. This is the heir to Michael Collins. These are the juvenile delinquents governing us now and abusing us. A man who recently said the public sector was ‘too white’. The Irish being white skinned, what he really meant was ‘too Irish’.
Does this Varadkar creature expect Irish people to just sit by when there is the potential for these unvetted men in centres to be given Garda uniforms to replace the shortfall from the unhappy, disillusioned Irish members of the force who had an overwhelming 98.7% vote of no confidence in their commissioner, Drew Harris - an Mi5 agent? Yet he remains. As does a party girl bimbo of a justice minister, and you think this is a functioning democracy representative of its people. Go away you absolute fool. There is also the high probability that along with a uniform, these migrants now in DP centres will be armed and have body cameras, with the current unrest naturally provided as the pretext. Think that’s far fetched? So was Ukrainians voting in our elections.
Varadkar’s position is now completely untenable but being what he is, he will of course continue on this path. His speech in the aftermath was typically disgraceful and childish. Scolding the Irish people for showing him up as the useless, vacant, weak leader that he is. You were warned so many times you treacherous criminal. You have made the people of this land so unhappy. You have turned them on each other. For that you will never be forgiven. If you won’t keep our children safe on our streets the Irish people will. We have a right to exist and won’t be bullied by the likes of you. Don’t you threaten us you globalist scumbag. You hostile foreign agent. We are better people than you. All of us.
Even the ones breaking windows and burning buses are better people than you. You presided over the crime of the century in our country do you think we have forgotten, do you think we will listen to you? You are not my Taoiseach. You have no moral authority to rule over me, I am infinitely better than you on every level. So is any Irish person with conviction for that matter. You have none. You are a complete disgrace. A lowlife of monumental proportions. Your attempt at shifting the focus away from the stabbing of 5 people including a 5 year old girl who is still in critical condition last we heard, towards a riot, proves this now beyond any doubt. If all your previous actions didn’t already. It hasn’t worked I’m afraid to tell you.
This is a republic. In a republic the rights of the individual are enshrined. What you and your agents have done, is created the spectre of a sinister group called the ‘far right’ as a catch all to ensnare groups of individuals with wide ranging opinions in the net, so that all dissident voices and dissenters could be easily categorised, smeared and immediately neatly placed within this fiction. How despicable. More and more adding to the ranks of this group by the month included mothers pushing buggies, elderly men and women, who have a genuine love for this country. Honest, decent people. You have no idea what that means.
I’m actually blown away by the support and love coming from the rest of the world for the Irish, despite the riots (which nobody wants to see). Anyone reading this from abroad I thank you for supporting our struggle. Far more support has come from you, than from many of our own who still believe the far right nonsense. If to be far right is to be someone who is against children being knifed in the street in broad daylight, coming and going from school, then I am guilty as charged. The weaklings condemning the reaction fail to realise this is merely the culmination of something that has been brewing for a long time.
They refuse to because at a deeper Jungian level they will have to acknowledge the fact that they played an active part in it. Ironically through being inactive. This is not a time in history to be passive. The universe is demanding you act. It is forcing you whether you like it or not. To refuse to engage with these forces leaves you at the mercy of them. For the last time, no judgement, the choice is entirely yours. If you do something you may lose, if you do nothing that is guaranteed.
I will leave you with two quotes from arguably two of the greatest men of modern Irish history. Their words are far more convincing and carry far greater weight than mine ever could.
“Give us the future..we’ve had enough of your past..give us back our country to live in—to grow love.”
Michael Collins
“You cannot conquer Ireland; you cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom. If our deed has not been sufficient to win freedom, then our children will win it by a better deed.”
Padraig Pearse
You have allowed an attack on Ireland’s innocence and have stupidly awoken the ghost of Pearse and Collins.
You will lose, it’s inevitable now.
Stephen, I normally enjoy reading your pieces and generally enjoy your written observations on this platform. But this .....
this ....
this is something else. This is on another level.
Rarely do I get a chance to read a piece that doesn't waste a single word in covering such a huge topic. Truth, honesty eloquence and sheer passion exuded from every sentence, alien concepts to those whom you described within it to a tee.
More than once I had to stand up and pace the room while reading, to allow my mind to digest your words.
I see the cowardice and wilful smug blindness you describe all around me in people I have known for decades and it can be lonely and isolating, but words like yours in this article, written so succintly and passionately, inspire and embolden me for the dark times that gather ominously and inevitably on the horizon.
Thank you Stephen, fantastic writing, you have outdone yourself. Pearse would have loved it.
Well documented and well written. My favorite was the statement that the “leaders” have lost ALL moral authority to lead. When that state is reached it is not a government, but an occupation by a hostile force.