Stephen, I normally enjoy reading your pieces and generally enjoy your written observations on this platform. But this .....
this ....
this is something else. This is on another level.
Rarely do I get a chance to read a piece that doesn't waste a single word in covering such a huge topic. Truth, honesty eloquence and sheer passion exuded from every sentence, alien concepts to those whom you described within it to a tee.
More than once I had to stand up and pace the room while reading, to allow my mind to digest your words.
I see the cowardice and wilful smug blindness you describe all around me in people I have known for decades and it can be lonely and isolating, but words like yours in this article, written so succintly and passionately, inspire and embolden me for the dark times that gather ominously and inevitably on the horizon.
Thank you Stephen, fantastic writing, you have outdone yourself. Pearse would have loved it.
Humans Eh you're right. The picture of what happened on Parnell Square is becoming clearer. It is such a busy area up there. There seems to be disdain coming from the politicians on what happened after this horrific event. It is quite alarming.
Hi Finola, yes it's a weird one, lot of anomalies, and information that doesn't make complete sense. But the normies are swallowing whatever Varadker spews at them. Sat in a car with an old normie friend of mine, he mentioned how 'the fash' (red flag there) were destroying the country several times and wished for a heavy violent garda crackdown. Oblivious to his hypocrisy. He ranted about the damage in Dublin and the waste of taxpayers money.
NOT ONCE did he mention a thing about the poor stabbed children. Not once.
Don't know how you can remain friends with people like that. I parted company from most of my old friends, even family members. Can't bear to be with people who are not curious. I mean this has been going on for 3.5 years
I wondered that myself, he is literally the only person I hang out with (I don't have a car so he takes me shopping once a week) and I dont go to the pub any more. I've known him for forty years and he has been a good friend on many occasions. He has no idea of my political leanings at all. I find it interesting sometimes to learn what the other side are thinking. I tolerate his views in strict stony faced silence for old times sake, but something tells me if he learned how I think he would drop me immediately. I literally go once a week into town to shop and he's the only other person I talk to in real life, I feel like a spy Nice to be reminded sometimes of how the other side sees us.
Ah thanks very much, I appreciate the offer, it's not a question of needing a lift, (I can and do get groceries delivered), also my friend is sound (apart from his politics lol) plus I'm nowhere near Cork. But I appreciate the offer. 👍
Well documented and well written. My favorite was the statement that the “leaders” have lost ALL moral authority to lead. When that state is reached it is not a government, but an occupation by a hostile force.
100% Stephen. Brilliantly articulated where we are now. My anger has been burning fiercely and everything you said rings true. The stabbing of defenceless children and their teacher was the last kick in the stomach. And yet, 'polite' society walks over the innocent maimed in virtue signal Palestinian and Ukrainian flags. I am sick to the teeth of this. As a grandmother and mother I am prepared to fight to the death for what I know is, nature, my mother Eire. And yes only my husband stands by my side.....all family and past friends shun me now. I will never comply with tyrants. May God bless us all.
I didn't know about the 17 year old French lad Alan, who put himself foreward. The female careworker Leanne acted as a human shield and the man Warren from Baltinglass, was in there first as well. We're getting a clearer picture of what happened.
Brilliant and deeply moving Stephen , I had /have a saying " the Good people will get us killed " . We are hear now and we have to deal with it , the jack boot has been set in motion and they will not stop now . We were giving out flyers in my home town yesterday and ye know you are right it is time to just leave the yummy/Lycra to one side , they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and no talking to them will change that. I know if I get hurt or jailed etc some of my closest people will say sur he was asking for it or what do you expect from him . That is the most painful fact right now but I have to release them now and go where my Irish heart take's me. I am 5ft 7 and aging which is bad timing , but it is what it is ,yes.
I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed that article Stephen. It is so brilliantly written, so measured and so passionate, and sadly so accurate. Sometimes it feels isolating when losing friends and family to the insanity we are living through. And there is so much uncertainty.. but your voice, your passion, and fearless determination emboldens me to stay strong and keep walking the path of truth and courage. Thank you for writing & sharing your voice.
Stephen thank you very much for this piece! You just earned a new subscriber. You, my good się, have spoken for all of us. Not only for the Irish. You speak for all the European people who have been gagged throughout the last several decades. If you would replace all the references to Ireland and the Irish and you would replace them with Europe and the European the point would still be 100% true. We have been shut down and brow best for far too long! We've been hostages in our own countries, enslaved in our own lands. Victims of a political class that hates us and is hell bent on genociding us, with the cumplicity of our fellow citizens. Those fat cats of the bourgeoise, the intelligentsia, the upper and middle classes who had it too easy and have lived in a bubble though all these years. Those who intentionally refuse to acknowledge what's going on and to take the side of their own people over some social approval and brownie-points. But this situation cannot last forever. We have been gagged for too long, held down at gun point. We deserve a voice! We deserve to exist! We deserve to be left alone!
Thank you so much and good luck to you and your compatriots. We need to destroy the EU forever. The ancient tribes of Europe will awaken, we will unite and once and for all vanquish this parasitic beast of globalism.
A most powerful exhortation to action by Patrick and his condemnation of the 'comfortable materialist braindead class' of Ireland,,who bury their heads in the sand and avert their eyes from the reality of the crimes of the Regime traitors.
In the words of John Quincy Adams, Amercian Founding Father and POTUS.
''Those who would seek Security rather than Freedom , will inherit neither Freedom or Security but
Slavery and Tyranny.''
'Faugh a Ballagh' , the battle cry of the Irish Brigade.
well what a day...elon took connor's 10 million followers and raised it by 160 million...varadkar is now the laughing stock prime minister all over the world...and for a man who is so self absorbed and publicity loving, he must be crying into his pillow tonight. it proves yet again, give people enough rope and they will always choke themselves...he has showcased his utter incompetence and mediocrity not only on the irish stage, but for the whole world to see and mock! it's glorious!
That is amazing passionate writing straight from the heart. It lays out the story being played out across the world now caused by the Globalist demons in their insane efforts to rearrange the world to their benefit. Living in the Midwest of the United(?) States of America I am watching all our cities becoming No Go Zones as our captured politicians and government agencies tirelessly work against its citizens in favor of the invading millions, subsidized by the United Nations, Catholic Charities, and a plethora of NGO's (non governmental organizations). Meanwhile our own media and the senescent clown in the White House attacks the citizens who speak up as far right extremists though most of them are just folks who care about their country. All this fiddling while our economy and the other country's are burned down intentionally. Our invading masses, many of whom came for a life they think they will achieve in an America that no longer exists, are nothing but tools to the uncaring globalists to further their take-down of nations and cultures. There is no money to really support such numbers. $34 Trillion dollars in debt. Instigation of more forever wars. Our oil rich nation being nudged into electric vehicles actually powered by coal burning plants (to save the planet, don't ya know). FUBAR!
Jessica Rose put the link in her substack yesterday. I have been going through all the video presentations. They are excellent and well worth the time.
'Interesting times', and the wheel is turning.....
'Hate speech' is a catch all loose term that may or may not be harmful, in some case it may even be appropriate... what is not fluid are words spoken and written that cause actual harm.
Those writing these hate speech laws perhaps should be mindful that those laws may also be applicable to themselves.
Any curious person since at least April 2021 could easily have educated themselves to public domaine facts that the 'injections' being promoted had many deadly 'side' effects and were appropriate 'medicine' for Sar's CoVid disease downgraded to 'non serious disease' in UK in March 2021.
Indeed it was public knowledge that 'Operation Warp Speed' which the injection program was US DoD - Dept of Defence operation, where the injections were classified as 'countermeasures' aka
bioweapons. The potential harms were know and published discreetly before the roll out.
Before 'investing' in and pushing these harmful bioweapons on the Irish people the Government and administrative state a due diligence and fiduciary responsibility to examine in an open and transparent manner the appropriateness promoting known harmful products for a largely non dangers disease. Many including Prof Francis Boyle, Dr Mike Yeardon ex Pzifer VP and expert,
Dr Vernon Coleman and hundreds more made it plain from the get go that the 'synthetic gene therapy' mRNA were highly problematic and this was well known for over a decade. In the years since literal mountains of evidence and dead bodies and sickness ouch to have made clear to even
casual 'researchers', that these injections were and deadly by design.
The following words were published by Dr, Varadkar, Taoiseach
Leo Varadkar
Oct 21
I was pleased to get my flu vaccine this week.
Top-up your immunity with the flu and COVID-19 vaccines to make sure you're protected in the months ahead.
Find out more about the vaccines available and make an appointment:
Seeing as COVID-19 'vaccinations' or more correctly gene-therapy bioweapons are proven harm causing weapon's supplied by a foreign military to injected into the arms of the 'participants' who had been mislead to believe they were 'safe and effective'. Indeed some of those behind this operation regarded the offering of these highly toxic bioweapons as a kind of 'intelligence test', buyer beware and all that - take the kool-aid and get sicker, die, blood clot, turbo cancer, stroke,
myocarditis, and over 1,000 other side-effects know and published Pfizer and co. Informed consent?
Many of the bad actors - including politicians and medics pushing this genocide are on record
as having promoted this harm causing injection. As seen above from the Taoiseach's public publishing on his Twitter - X account 21/10/ 23 urging people to get the COV19 injection.
These are in effect 'hate speech' of a very serious nature as they are actively encouraging people
to 'self harm' themselves and even their children. Real HARM and real hate.
The Justice Minister, and politicians perhaps take note of this seemingly criminal direction by the
Dr, Varadkar, Taoiseach.
When and if the 90% + people in Ireland realise how they were lied to and goaded in playing 'Russian Roulette' with their lives over bogus preplanned non-pandemic I imagine they will be less than happy. The tragic attack on the children has brought this to head.
Those who partook in the criminal deception need to named, tagged and served with charges appropriate to the actions in war on the Irish people. The Guards, army and judiciary should snap into action to end injections now and start holding those accountable for this crime responsible.
We expect no less per their paid mandate as our public servant's no less. It's their job to protect us from exposed criminals.
They CoVidJabKillers are I expect are going to held personally and financially responsible for harms and ongoing harms they have caused to Irish people. This overdue self defence can't happen soon enough and we need to focus helping the poisoned people to deal with toxic loads injected into their bodies.
Stephen, I normally enjoy reading your pieces and generally enjoy your written observations on this platform. But this .....
this ....
this is something else. This is on another level.
Rarely do I get a chance to read a piece that doesn't waste a single word in covering such a huge topic. Truth, honesty eloquence and sheer passion exuded from every sentence, alien concepts to those whom you described within it to a tee.
More than once I had to stand up and pace the room while reading, to allow my mind to digest your words.
I see the cowardice and wilful smug blindness you describe all around me in people I have known for decades and it can be lonely and isolating, but words like yours in this article, written so succintly and passionately, inspire and embolden me for the dark times that gather ominously and inevitably on the horizon.
Thank you Stephen, fantastic writing, you have outdone yourself. Pearse would have loved it.
Thanks so much 🙏🏻
No, Thank You.
Humans Eh you're right. The picture of what happened on Parnell Square is becoming clearer. It is such a busy area up there. There seems to be disdain coming from the politicians on what happened after this horrific event. It is quite alarming.
Hi Finola, yes it's a weird one, lot of anomalies, and information that doesn't make complete sense. But the normies are swallowing whatever Varadker spews at them. Sat in a car with an old normie friend of mine, he mentioned how 'the fash' (red flag there) were destroying the country several times and wished for a heavy violent garda crackdown. Oblivious to his hypocrisy. He ranted about the damage in Dublin and the waste of taxpayers money.
NOT ONCE did he mention a thing about the poor stabbed children. Not once.
Don't know how you can remain friends with people like that. I parted company from most of my old friends, even family members. Can't bear to be with people who are not curious. I mean this has been going on for 3.5 years
I wondered that myself, he is literally the only person I hang out with (I don't have a car so he takes me shopping once a week) and I dont go to the pub any more. I've known him for forty years and he has been a good friend on many occasions. He has no idea of my political leanings at all. I find it interesting sometimes to learn what the other side are thinking. I tolerate his views in strict stony faced silence for old times sake, but something tells me if he learned how I think he would drop me immediately. I literally go once a week into town to shop and he's the only other person I talk to in real life, I feel like a spy Nice to be reminded sometimes of how the other side sees us.
If you're in Cork I'll give you a lift to the shops anytime. If you're in BAC I could do that too when visiting the Ma :)
Ah thanks very much, I appreciate the offer, it's not a question of needing a lift, (I can and do get groceries delivered), also my friend is sound (apart from his politics lol) plus I'm nowhere near Cork. But I appreciate the offer. 👍
Well documented and well written. My favorite was the statement that the “leaders” have lost ALL moral authority to lead. When that state is reached it is not a government, but an occupation by a hostile force.
100% Stephen. Brilliantly articulated where we are now. My anger has been burning fiercely and everything you said rings true. The stabbing of defenceless children and their teacher was the last kick in the stomach. And yet, 'polite' society walks over the innocent maimed in virtue signal Palestinian and Ukrainian flags. I am sick to the teeth of this. As a grandmother and mother I am prepared to fight to the death for what I know is, nature, my mother Eire. And yes only my husband stands by my side.....all family and past friends shun me now. I will never comply with tyrants. May God bless us all.
God bless 🙏🏻
Fantastic Stephen, keep putting it out there
I didn't know about the 17 year old French lad Alan, who put himself foreward. The female careworker Leanne acted as a human shield and the man Warren from Baltinglass, was in there first as well. We're getting a clearer picture of what happened.
The media have disgraced themselves once more in spectacular fashion
Journaliars as the great John Waters might say
Brilliant and deeply moving Stephen , I had /have a saying " the Good people will get us killed " . We are hear now and we have to deal with it , the jack boot has been set in motion and they will not stop now . We were giving out flyers in my home town yesterday and ye know you are right it is time to just leave the yummy/Lycra to one side , they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and no talking to them will change that. I know if I get hurt or jailed etc some of my closest people will say sur he was asking for it or what do you expect from him . That is the most painful fact right now but I have to release them now and go where my Irish heart take's me. I am 5ft 7 and aging which is bad timing , but it is what it is ,yes.
Have faith, the world is watching the cunts
We are watching the cunts too
As you said...the greatest gift we could have received, a Republic. Bought with the blood of patriots. We won't dishonour the gift.
I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed that article Stephen. It is so brilliantly written, so measured and so passionate, and sadly so accurate. Sometimes it feels isolating when losing friends and family to the insanity we are living through. And there is so much uncertainty.. but your voice, your passion, and fearless determination emboldens me to stay strong and keep walking the path of truth and courage. Thank you for writing & sharing your voice.
Thanks so much 🙏🏻 much love to all in this fight and on this journey. You are all amazing, keep going.
Stephen thank you very much for this piece! You just earned a new subscriber. You, my good się, have spoken for all of us. Not only for the Irish. You speak for all the European people who have been gagged throughout the last several decades. If you would replace all the references to Ireland and the Irish and you would replace them with Europe and the European the point would still be 100% true. We have been shut down and brow best for far too long! We've been hostages in our own countries, enslaved in our own lands. Victims of a political class that hates us and is hell bent on genociding us, with the cumplicity of our fellow citizens. Those fat cats of the bourgeoise, the intelligentsia, the upper and middle classes who had it too easy and have lived in a bubble though all these years. Those who intentionally refuse to acknowledge what's going on and to take the side of their own people over some social approval and brownie-points. But this situation cannot last forever. We have been gagged for too long, held down at gun point. We deserve a voice! We deserve to exist! We deserve to be left alone!
Thank you so much and good luck to you and your compatriots. We need to destroy the EU forever. The ancient tribes of Europe will awaken, we will unite and once and for all vanquish this parasitic beast of globalism.
Europe and it's peoples have been held hostage since the times of christianization.
A most powerful exhortation to action by Patrick and his condemnation of the 'comfortable materialist braindead class' of Ireland,,who bury their heads in the sand and avert their eyes from the reality of the crimes of the Regime traitors.
In the words of John Quincy Adams, Amercian Founding Father and POTUS.
''Those who would seek Security rather than Freedom , will inherit neither Freedom or Security but
Slavery and Tyranny.''
'Faugh a Ballagh' , the battle cry of the Irish Brigade.
well what a day...elon took connor's 10 million followers and raised it by 160 million...varadkar is now the laughing stock prime minister all over the world...and for a man who is so self absorbed and publicity loving, he must be crying into his pillow tonight. it proves yet again, give people enough rope and they will always choke themselves...he has showcased his utter incompetence and mediocrity not only on the irish stage, but for the whole world to see and mock! it's glorious!
It’s outstanding what a complete imbecile
Elon did what? What did I miss?
Well done Stephen, this article gave me goosebumps. Very well written and expresses how many of us are feeling. Have shared on Telegram.
Thanks Fiona, I felt I needed to leave it all out on the page all of the emotion.
That is amazing passionate writing straight from the heart. It lays out the story being played out across the world now caused by the Globalist demons in their insane efforts to rearrange the world to their benefit. Living in the Midwest of the United(?) States of America I am watching all our cities becoming No Go Zones as our captured politicians and government agencies tirelessly work against its citizens in favor of the invading millions, subsidized by the United Nations, Catholic Charities, and a plethora of NGO's (non governmental organizations). Meanwhile our own media and the senescent clown in the White House attacks the citizens who speak up as far right extremists though most of them are just folks who care about their country. All this fiddling while our economy and the other country's are burned down intentionally. Our invading masses, many of whom came for a life they think they will achieve in an America that no longer exists, are nothing but tools to the uncaring globalists to further their take-down of nations and cultures. There is no money to really support such numbers. $34 Trillion dollars in debt. Instigation of more forever wars. Our oil rich nation being nudged into electric vehicles actually powered by coal burning plants (to save the planet, don't ya know). FUBAR!
Interesting talks from the Romanian Parliament
Jessica Rose put the link in her substack yesterday. I have been going through all the video presentations. They are excellent and well worth the time.
'Interesting times', and the wheel is turning.....
'Hate speech' is a catch all loose term that may or may not be harmful, in some case it may even be appropriate... what is not fluid are words spoken and written that cause actual harm.
Those writing these hate speech laws perhaps should be mindful that those laws may also be applicable to themselves.
Any curious person since at least April 2021 could easily have educated themselves to public domaine facts that the 'injections' being promoted had many deadly 'side' effects and were appropriate 'medicine' for Sar's CoVid disease downgraded to 'non serious disease' in UK in March 2021.
Indeed it was public knowledge that 'Operation Warp Speed' which the injection program was US DoD - Dept of Defence operation, where the injections were classified as 'countermeasures' aka
bioweapons. The potential harms were know and published discreetly before the roll out.
Before 'investing' in and pushing these harmful bioweapons on the Irish people the Government and administrative state a due diligence and fiduciary responsibility to examine in an open and transparent manner the appropriateness promoting known harmful products for a largely non dangers disease. Many including Prof Francis Boyle, Dr Mike Yeardon ex Pzifer VP and expert,
Dr Vernon Coleman and hundreds more made it plain from the get go that the 'synthetic gene therapy' mRNA were highly problematic and this was well known for over a decade. In the years since literal mountains of evidence and dead bodies and sickness ouch to have made clear to even
casual 'researchers', that these injections were and deadly by design.
The following words were published by Dr, Varadkar, Taoiseach
Leo Varadkar
Oct 21
I was pleased to get my flu vaccine this week.
Top-up your immunity with the flu and COVID-19 vaccines to make sure you're protected in the months ahead.
Find out more about the vaccines available and make an appointment:
Seeing as COVID-19 'vaccinations' or more correctly gene-therapy bioweapons are proven harm causing weapon's supplied by a foreign military to injected into the arms of the 'participants' who had been mislead to believe they were 'safe and effective'. Indeed some of those behind this operation regarded the offering of these highly toxic bioweapons as a kind of 'intelligence test', buyer beware and all that - take the kool-aid and get sicker, die, blood clot, turbo cancer, stroke,
myocarditis, and over 1,000 other side-effects know and published Pfizer and co. Informed consent?
Many of the bad actors - including politicians and medics pushing this genocide are on record
as having promoted this harm causing injection. As seen above from the Taoiseach's public publishing on his Twitter - X account 21/10/ 23 urging people to get the COV19 injection.
These are in effect 'hate speech' of a very serious nature as they are actively encouraging people
to 'self harm' themselves and even their children. Real HARM and real hate.
The Justice Minister, and politicians perhaps take note of this seemingly criminal direction by the
Dr, Varadkar, Taoiseach.
When and if the 90% + people in Ireland realise how they were lied to and goaded in playing 'Russian Roulette' with their lives over bogus preplanned non-pandemic I imagine they will be less than happy. The tragic attack on the children has brought this to head.
Those who partook in the criminal deception need to named, tagged and served with charges appropriate to the actions in war on the Irish people. The Guards, army and judiciary should snap into action to end injections now and start holding those accountable for this crime responsible.
We expect no less per their paid mandate as our public servant's no less. It's their job to protect us from exposed criminals.
They CoVidJabKillers are I expect are going to held personally and financially responsible for harms and ongoing harms they have caused to Irish people. This overdue self defence can't happen soon enough and we need to focus helping the poisoned people to deal with toxic loads injected into their bodies.