Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Great read Stephen. The man's only love outside of his business and family is his Horses. Never once did I hear him profess a love of being Irish.

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The ultimate crisis actor - all his personal friends are politicians and other insiders. Not to be trusted. Excellent article.

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Cheers Thomas

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Brilliant article again. I must say I was suspicious and you have articulated what my gut was trying to say to me.

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Well said!

Since when did a Bildberger EVER look out for our interests??? I also wonder what his (secret) agenda is....

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Excellent article. Thanks.

"We are often at our most pliable and vulnerable when we hear our own thoughts and opinions repeated back to us by someone we know will be listened to by others. They were the words we have been crying out to hear being delivered to a wider audience, in this case directly to the car radios of middle Ireland." - Nail. Head.

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Michael O'Leary is a fully compliant member of the 'club' which is not open to the rest of us.

The fact that he has been made Irish spokesman for the so-called 'contrarian' view about immigration suggests how quickly the Combine is turning around. Expect O'Leary's now-extreme position to be mainstream pretty soon.

Buckle up!

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Michael O'Leary was for years, and still is, on the Steering Committee of Bilderberg so when I heard the clip of its utterances re illegal immigrants, I suspected a plot of dome kind eg as yiu suspect Stephen, digital id. Ps I've never understood why people think he should run the country. Long years before Covid I thought he was a bit of a sociopath.

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

O’Leary is a wrongun if ever I seen one. Good article!

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Great article stephen o leary is a dirtbag as you said he didn't want pureblood un gene therapied people on his poxy planes at start of convid and the rollout of there poison and as you say he is a member of the bilderberg group now he goes on scummy fakenewstalk to try and show that he's on our side I say fuck off O leary your a wrong one

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Very insightful, wouldn't trust him with a hairbrush!

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

brilliant analysis ( though uncomfortable reading ). aside from the article itself which I agree with absolutely, it's an excellent case study to make sense of other things happening in the world now. " why the " shift " in attitude from such an such a person " . alot of analysis of recent events is noisy, tiring, draining an unlikely to be read or listened to by most people. this level of writing analysis is exceptional imo an deserves wide exposure

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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Spot on Stephen. Some kind of a deal must have been cut. Can't imagine Ryanair transporting the self anointed 'elite' around Europe as part of its future plans to tackle 'climate change'. Plane loads of military aged men perhaps. One to watch for sure.

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I was really happy with his comments the other day until I had a good think about what the angle might be. It all just presented itself in front of me, didn’t need to dig very deep at all. It certainly stinks. If he starts making statements like “revolutionising air travel” or things like that we will know to pile on the pressure. You’d want eyes in the back of your head for these people!

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Well argued, insightful.

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton


Think it's impossible to deport. Insurance reasons, retaining custody pending removal, confirming where these passport lacking  welfare hunter gatherers come from, resistance, finding their whereabouts, cost of accompanying officers, appeals,  such a simple thing as arrangement of custody location pending deportation & overall administration & organisation never mind political will. Resistance from Brussels??

Even resistance from hotel owners getting millions from the scam.

Only way is to reduce benefits to meal vouchers & eventually rations. Offer a one way ticket to the country of their choice. If they hav "lost" their passport - then offer to pay for a passport- that way we can determine which country they actually come from.

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Jun 21Liked by Stephen Sutton

Great piece and I agree O'Leary cannot be trusted. We are in the middle of a global war by the elites against humanity. By his attendance at Bilderberg meetings O'Leary has clearly shown he is not a passive observer in this war but rather a key and active participant. This war has many fronts in addition to the imposition of a digital prison complex on the population, the digital Ids.

Another front, the Covid bioweapon distribution amongst the population, is still ongoing with the HSE continuing to promote injections for both pregnant women and children. Our most vulnerable. This unspeakable evil will only be terminated when the perpetrators are definitively dealt with. O'Leary's stance on the enforced injection for air travelers leaves no doubt as to where he stands on the killing of civilians by this bioweapon. All of these perpetrators need to be dealt with definitively before this war ends which I have no doubt it will in our favour.

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Please god Dave and thanks 🙏🏻

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Jun 20Liked by Stephen Sutton

Gee that was intuitive how you spotted that angle Stephen. The light bulb didn't go off for me, but funny as he was talking, I was scratching my heard and saying where's the catch. I think you're dead on the button as usual. They need to tie up a lot of loose ends by 2025. Well done for spotting this and let's watch the space

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Thanks Fionnuala, I was fooled initially I will admit

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